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Needs on tags
Posted Jan 13, 2021
I would like to ask if there is any chance to improve one thing in our Zendesk CRM.
When we make a change in our deal pages we tag our colleagues in the company to let them know about the change. The problem is that when we make the comment on the deal page and we want to alert every account in our Zendesk about it we have to tag each account 1 by 1.
Would be any chance to create 1 kind of group tag that just writing it in a comment arrives a notification to all the member accounts added in this tag group?
Thank you,
Stephanie Church
Our users have asked for similar functionality so they can @ mention groups of users like our Accounts Receivable team or all users in a specific branch location.
Chan Chan
Our users have asked for similar functionality so they can @ mention groups of users like our Accounts Receivable team or all users in a specific branch location.
Chan Chan
Our users have asked for similar functionality so they can @ mention groups of users like our Accounts Receivable team or all users in a specific branch location.