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Guide Tip: Category page with (conditionally) expandable section lists

Posted Sep 15, 2021

Hi again! I wanted to make some changes to our category pages.. there are several sections where Zendesk provides a "See all N articles" link when the full list is only 2 or 3 articles longer. I dislike getting shuffled off to another page just to see their titles. Even worse is when there's only 1 more article and it could have just been listed where the "See all..." link is! So let's change all that with some JavaScript.  :-D

My help centre has one particularly enormous section, so there's also a size limit on this which you can change to suit your tastes. Depending on your CSS, it'll look something like this:

And here's the magic to add to your 'script.js' file:

// Zendesk Guide category pages with expandable listings
// author: Ashleigh Rentz,
// license:

window.onload = function() {

function expandCategoryPage() {
// Only execute this if we're on a category page.
if (document.getElementsByClassName("category-content")[0] == null) return;

const max_size_to_expand = 12; // Fall back to normal behaviour if larger.
const default_quantity = 6; // Zendesk default, unsure if it can be changed.

// Find the "See all N articles" links to (potentially) expand.
const see_all_array = document.getElementsByClassName("see-all-articles");
for (let i = 0; i < see_all_array.length; i++) {
var number_articles = see_all_array[i].innerText;
number_articles = parseInt(number_articles.match(/[0-9]+/));
if (number_articles <= max_size_to_expand) {
// Change text ASAP (\u25BC is unicode down-pointing triangle).
if ((number_articles - default_quantity) > 1) {
see_all_array[i].innerText = '\u25BC Show ' +
(number_articles - default_quantity) + ' more articles';
} else see_all_array[i].innerText = '';

async function expandThisSection(section_link_element) {
// Fetch the section page and create a list of <li>'s to add.
var section_page_response = await
var section_page_contents = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
await section_page_response.text(), 'text/html');
var article_list = section_page_contents.body.getElementsByClassName(
var articles_to_add = [];
for (let i = default_quantity; i < article_list.length; i++)

// Get the <ul> for this section on the category page.
var list_element = section_link_element.previousElementSibling;
// Make sure it's the right thing, bail out if not.
if ((list_element.tagName !== 'UL') ||
(!(list_element.classList.contains('article-list')))) return;

// Insert the article(s).
if (articles_to_add.length == 1) {
// Insert the final article into the list, no expandable needed
// Remove the 'see all' link.
} else {
// Insert more articles into the list as a hidden element in the DOM.
for (let i = 0; i < articles_to_add.length; i++) {
list_element.lastElementChild.setAttribute('hidden', true);
// Change link action and assign a class for optional CSS styling.
function(){showMoreArticles(list_element, section_link_element)});
}; // end expandThisSection()

function showMoreArticles(list_element, section_link_element) {
for (let i = 0; i < list_element.children.length; i++) {

}; // end expandCategoryPage()

Again, I'm not a developer by trade, so there are probably ways to improve this. But it works great for me and I hope someone else out there finds it useful!  :)




Thanks for posting this, Ashleigh!


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

Hi @Ashleigh Rentz, did you update something into your category_page.hbs file for this nice functionality?




Hi Ifra Saqlain — This works with plain Copenhagen, no changes needed.  :)  I used a little CSS to put things on a single row just so the screenshot wouldn't be huge, but otherwise this is all from the JavaScript.


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

@Ashleigh Rentz, it's working perfectly, I tried it again  into fresh Copenhagen Theme and working as expected :)

It's really cool !


Is there a way to make a section clickable or link it to the article. We have sections where there is only 1 article to it. 



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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Joane Bonghanoy

You can add custom code like below:

Check the section name and hide those sections that have one article only:




Add custom blocks for those sections that hve one article:



Add CSS for ‘hide’ class:



Try this and let me know if you need more help.




Ifra Saqlain sorry, this is what happened, it became a separate category. I want the FAQs to stay as a subection and when I click it, it clicks to the article. 

Our structure atm is

- General (category)

- Get Started (section)

- FAQs (subsection)

- FAQ article (I want the FAQs subsection to go straight to the article after clicking but should still be under the same section and category


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

Okay, on which page did you add the sub-section code? 






Ifra Saqlain I added your code in the home_page per your guide previously


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