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Average tickets per organisation
Posted Oct 04, 2021
Hi all,
I'm breaking my head how to get a report like this:
- Number of total organizations until and including a certain month
- Number of total tickets in that month.
So, for example:
in 2021 we've started with 90 organizations in Zendesk.
January 2021 we've added 10 new organizations, which brings the total organizations to 100. We've had also received 100 tickets, so the average tickets per organization for January is 1
In February 2021 we've added another 10 new organizations, which brings the total organizations to 110. We've received 95 tickets, so the average tickets per organization for February is 0.86
In march 2021 we've added 5 new organizations, which brings the total organizations to 115. We've received 105 tickets, so the average tickets per organization for February is 0.93
And so on.
With D_COUNT(Organisations) I can retrieve all organizations created in a certain month, but I'm having a hard time how to calculate this in relation to the total number of organizations. Any tips or advice would be appreciated
Any idea or suggestions on how to create such a report?
Gab Guinto
Hi Jasper,
If every organization submits at least one ticket every month, then you should be able to use the formula DCOUNT_VALUES(Organization name) when working with a report sliced by month. That should account for every organization in your Zendesk when calculating for the average number of ticket submissions.
But, if it is not guaranteed that each of the organizations submits at least one request every month, then I'm afraid there is no way to automatically count the number of organizations through Explore. One workaround that I could think of is for you to manually count the organzations in your Support instance, and then create a custom metric for each month/period that will calculate for the average using that number in the formula. With this, you'll need to create separate metrics for each month/period.
Sorry again if the function that you're looking for is not available in Explore. Thanks Jasper.
Embrace Support
@... thanks for your reply! Luckily (for us) not every organization submits a ticket every month. In this case we cannot use the DCOUNT_VALUES(Organization name) metric.
I'll take a look into creating those custom metrics, but it feels a bit like a lot of work and prone for errors.