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Add Requestor E-Mail Address on UI

Posted Feb 09, 2021


In the previous design, the requestor's e-mail was viewable at a glance. This was useful for our team to identify which company/account they are reaching out to us from. We get new clients or users reaching out to us daily and we can use their e-mail domain at glance to identify the account. This new design has no workaround I can think of other than viewing the user profile directly which is quite tedious compared to the previous design. Any suggestions?




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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Hi Puneet, what part of which UI is this screen-clip from? I don't recognize the context.

When we look at a ticket in Support, we still see the requester's name and email address, but it sounds like you are referring to something else.


@... Hello, 

I am referring to a ticket in support as well, I can only see the requestors name and that the message was sent "via email", we were able to see the e-mail before but not anymore? Any suggestions?

Screenshot removed by the Zendesk Community Team as it contained sensitive information.


In the previous UI there was a field right on top "To:" titled "From:" and this would display the email address in the same format as "To:". Having the "From:" field visible on tickets will be very helpful for our workflow.


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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Hi Puneet,

I'm sorry, but I don't recognize that UI or know where it comes from. I'm asking other long-time users (aka Community Moderators) and ZD community team if any of them can identify this.


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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

The UI looks like it's the newer Agent Workspace.

@... Agent workspace has a Customer Context panel that can be expanded on the right that should allow you to see details about the requester.


@... Thank you, this is a suitable workaround, although not ideal as compared to the previous Agent Workspace. 


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Reshma Renee

Zendesk Luminary

Can we also display created date on the panel like the old UI?


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Reshma Renee

Zendesk Luminary

Is this possible?



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