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Get ticket's solve date (and re-open date)


Posted Aug 06, 2021

Hi there, I'm using the incremental tickets exports (cursor-based) and the ticket comments API ( in order to retrieve historical tickets/comments.
I would like to get the date that a ticket marked as solved and the date that a ticket was re-opened (if any) but I cannot find any solution.

Is there anything I may be missing? 




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Chris,

Hope you are doing well! We apologize for the delay on coming back to you.

In order to get historical data, such as the date when ticket was solved/reopened, I would suggest you to look into audits API, that would return said information Tickets Audit API.

Please let me know if you require further assistance!


Is there a way just to get the Solved date for a ticket?  I don't need any other information.  Just the solved date


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Margaret, 

You can use the Ticket Audit API as suggested by Martin or create an Explore Report for solved tickets 


Hi Martin/Cheeny,

Thanks for replying. The audit API does provide the histroy of the tickets including the email correspondences between stakeholders. However, one can only deduce the solved date by the content or tones of the emails/comments, and it'll be very trick to conduct tone analysis or text mining for say 100k tickets.

Is there a field called "solved_at" for the tickets, just like there's a "created_at" field for the tickets via the API?



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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Julian!
Have you taken a look at the Ticket Metrics API yet? It does return the solved_at property for tickets.
Hope this helps!


Hi Erica,

Thanks the metrics API has the solved date.



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