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How to see what users are searching for in the help centre?


Posted Jun 25, 2021

Hi ZD,

There's an insights/analytics section where you can see the exact text string users have put into the search bar and whether they found the article but I can't seem to find it. Do you know the one I'm talking about? Can someone please help me find it?






Hi Rich!

If I understand your question correctly this is what you are looking for, right?  

This will show you the results of what people have been searching for in your Help Center.

If you click through the different tabs (displayed at the number 3). Here you can see "total results", "results with no data", and "searches that lead to users creating a ticket", ect.    

I hope that this has helped answer your problem. Otherwise, please let me know.  

#helpsome regards,
Mikkel Linnebjerg
Zendesk Consultant @


Hi Rich,

Did Mikkel answer your question or are you looking for something else? In Mikkel's screenshot, you can select different sections in step 3 to get more insight if the person searching had found an article or not. Let us know if there is anything further needed! 




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