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Tracking tickets


Posted Jul 15, 2021

Hi! I cannot find a suitable way to track my tickets that I am following and have escalated to other team members. I tried to create a view that let me see tickets I was following, but there was no option in views for tickets I follow, only tickets assigned to me. Also on the dashboard I do not see anyway to clear the recent updates, which makes that section useless to me because my brain just ignores it as it is 99% of the time things I've already dealt with. If I could delete updates or better yet check off updates I've already attended to then that section would be very helpful in letting me track notes, tickets I am following etc. Please make these features more useful because many tickets are falling through the cracks without a proper way to track them.




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Amanda Oka

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Corrine,

I use a ticket field to track specific workflows, it could be as simple as naming the field, Ticket Tracker: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and moving the ticket field option through the workflow as you complete each step.  Then you can create a View and group the tickets based on this ticket field.  You can also use reporting to see how long each step is taking. 

Best of luck in finding the solution that suits you! :) 


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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator


To track tickets you are following in Support, open your profile and then select 'Followed Tickets' from the drop-down menu:

To track specific tickets that you are not following or assigned to or CCed to, you can use the Bookmarks app. This is free, provided by Zendesk and allows you to bookmark specific tickets and return to them later.



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