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Hourly Backlog Snapshots

Posted Mar 16, 2021

Hi! There is a need in knowing how many tickets we have unreplied (new + open + on-hold) by a specific time - we want to know which of our three shifts gets the most tickets to work with. I've found the backlog history dataset and according to the description, it's almost what we need - it basically gets us a snapshot of what our Zendesk looked like by the end of the specific date. Unfortunately, the snapshot gets created only once a day. Can we request to further extend this feature to create a snapshot every 3/6/9 hours? Eventually I want to achieve something like this:




This can be very helpful, any idea about how to achieve that? Thanks!


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Viktor Osetrov

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Diego,

As an alternative solution, we can suggest the following recipe -> Explore recipe: Busiest times of day for each channel.
Other useful Explore recipes you can find here.

Hope it helps, 


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Wojciech Smajda

Zendesk Product Manager


Thanks for reaching out with your request for more frequent snapshots within the backlog history dataset in Zendesk. Understanding the workload distribution across shifts is crucial for resource planning and team efficiency.

Currently, our snapshot capability is designed to capture the state of your Zendesk once per day. While we are not planning to increase the frequency of these snapshots at the moment, we are always evaluating how we can improve our reporting features based on user needs.

We appreciate your feedback and will take it into consideration as we look to future enhancements. Please continue to share any further ideas or needs, as they are invaluable for our ongoing product development.


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