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Explore is really slow when handling larger quanteties of data
Posted Feb 12, 2021
I have some queries that show data from this year and compare it with data from last year, it easily ads up to larger quantities of data. Unfortunately Explore is super slow when handling this, and it gets very tiresome to use the dashboard and even more so when I'm trying to develop it.
Your support confirmed that this is indeed the case, that larger quantities of data will be very slow to work with. Can you please prioritize to make Explore work more efficient with this?
Finally, is there anyone else with this problem, and have you find any workarounds that makes it easier?
Eugene Orman
Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your feedback about the Explore performance.
Explore performance is close to my heart. We are currently investing more development time in improving Explore's performance. However, it is not a simple matter and we need to take one step at a time. During the past few months, we worked on improving the more complex calculation loading speeds and now we are reimplementing the Tag-based reporting to make it more efficient.
Explore reporting provides great flexibility and granularity because the majority of the data points are recorded as separate rows in the database, unfortunately, for the accounts with large amounts of data that also means slower report loading times.
When you are loading a report it might feel like it is just a few data points but behind there could be thousands of users, millions of tickets and billions of ticket events. All this data needs to be connected and sometimes manipulated based on the rules defined in the calculations created by customers.
There are some best practices you can follow for optimising your Explore reports. We will write an article about it and will share it here.
Dan Chikanov
You might need to consider working away from Explore as this has been the issue for the last 2 years (either pipe it into databricks, tableau, etc). Sadly there hasn't been any improvement.
Zac Renault
Hi Hannes,
Could you please create a ticket for our support and provide the URL of a query for which you have this issue and we'll be happy to investigate this issue. We're looking forward to hear back from you.
CJ Johnson
I hit this constantly as well. Sometimes, refreshing the tab is all it takes, especially if you've narrowed the data way way down and it's still timing out.
The other workaround I can recommend, is building a "fake" query first with a very small range, (filtered to a single agent, single day, single ticket form, some combination of factors like that) so that you can set up the metric filter to exclude "blank" data points, and depending on the report, set the data minimum to 1. Then, when you build out your actual report, you don't have to wait for it (hopefully, if you can even get it to) load with a ton of blanks and 0s that you wanted filtered out anyways.
@... That answer is not particularly helpful. What might help here is for Zendesk to publish an article on tips and tricks on how to make dashboards and query render faster. (i.e. trimming scope of queries, taking a look at size of dataset loading into the dashboard.....).
There has to be a better way than this.
Dan Chikanov
ZD explore has to be the WORST TOOL I HAVE EVER WORKED WITH. I cant even run a SIMPLE query (# of tickets created last 2 months based on update timestamp) without GETTING AN ERROR. Simply frustrating.
Anastasia Kachanova
Atanas Tomov
+1. Also after a certain period of time after working with a specific dashboard, it starts to load extremely slow.
In addition to that, I have noticed that sometimes Explore does NOT publish changes even though it states "All changes published". In preview mode changes are not applied and in edit mode the changes are visible, again noting that in preview it indicates "All changes published".
Francis Casino
Really sorry to hear about the issue that you're having. In order to check and troubleshoot this further, please do reach out to our Support team to get this fixed Contacting Zendesk Customer Support.
Boyan Spasov
+1, When we make a huge report sometimes it didn't publish everything. I can be small problem, it can be huge problem, but every time something happens.