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Scheduling a Trigger
Posted May 14, 2021
I am looking to see if there's a feature on the horizon (or available) that will allow a recurring schedule to fire actions on tickets that meet certain conditions (example: end of day on Wednesday, have all SLA breached tickets in the Open condition be removed from assignment from a particular assignee).
From my experience crafting triggers and automations, it appears that triggers can tell absolute time (by comparing against a schedule), but can't fire on their own (need an inciting event), and automations can only tell relative time, but not absolute time.
A workaround that could work for this is set up a business schedule, call it something like "Wednesday EoD" or something, have it run for a couple hours after normal business hours. Then, create a recurring automation loop on tickets that match the conditions of updated at least an hour ago, in the open status, SLA breached, and assigned to the assignee in question. Then, have it apply a garbage tag to the ticket (which can be used to satisfy the recurrence lock on automations) and pair it with a trigger that automatically removes that garbage tag. This forces tickets that meet the condition to update every single hour, allowing a "net" trigger to catch the update if it happens within the particular end of day schedule.
This can get pretty clunky when dealing with many recurrence loop automation/trigger pairings (and can even become disruptive if you have automations that are based on other update length conditions). Is there something presently available or on the way to schedule triggers instead?
Nina Olding
Hi @..., thanks for the feedback. Would you mind sharing a little more about the specific use cases this would address? I can hazard some guesses but it would be great if you could share more about the need for a Wednesday EoD rule to run rather than having automations handle these as they arise. Thanks!
Charles Stover
Easy: say I have an agent that only works a half week as part of their schedule. I already have an automation escape in place that checks to see if the calendar hour SLA is greater than business hour SLA by a significant margin to bump off tickets that would remain assigned to them but should be handled by another agent, but tickets that have already breached SLA don't end up getting caught by the automation. So at the end of that person's schedule for their week, I'd need all of their tickets to be reassigned (more simply, unassigned would work).
Moataz-Bellah Mishrif
Is there any update on this, as I need to trigger an action (unassign tickets) at the start of a schedule?
Moataz-Bellah Mishrif