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CC'ed contacts causes end users being created
Posted Feb 11, 2021
While I consulted with Support via chat recently and was asked to create a post here, I do see that my issue has been brought up before: well as here:
Unfortunately, we don't really have the option to disable Zendesk accounts being created automatically, as one of the great benefits of Zendesk is the ability of anonymous/external users to generate tickets via our support channels or ticket forms. As such, when third parties outside of our company are CC'ed via an email ticket relayed by one of our employees, these contacts are automatically thrown into our company's Zendesk organization; despite the fact that these newly-created end users may have a domain present in another organization (where I would expect the workflow of organization sees end user domain and pulls end user into organization), instead, the end user is automatically deposited into our own internal company organization.
This workflow disrupts any pre-planned triggers or automations we might have around organizations, so tickets do not flow properly. At this point our company organization now has 1,209 users present - the vast majority of which are non-company associates. I don't expect this number to do anything but increase over time, and without the ability to bulk edit these natively from the GUI, our agents are relatively powerless to curb this behavior from their end.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated... thank you!
Kerry Scotney
Totally agree with this. Happy for the sender's account to be created if necessary but not the, sometimes endless, CC's.
Neil Senior
Auto creating cc'ed email addresses causes a lot of invalid accounts. Please allow the ability to disable this or by default, only create an account for the sender. Thank you!
Raymond Pina
Would Allowlist & Blocklist prevent this? For example if we placed all of our corporate domains on the Allowlist & place an wildcard on the Blocklist would that prevent the CC'ed emails addresses from Zendesk automatically creating an Zendesk account?
Gabriel Manlapig
If you allow CCs on tickets, then anyone who CC'd on the ticket will be added as an end-user. You can check this article for reference: How can a user be created in Zendesk?
I'm afraid there is no way to turn off the feature wherein CC'd users are automatically created as end-users in Zendesk. I hope that answers your question.
Thank you!
Wayne Stone
The phrase "CC'ed contacts causes end users being created" seems to refer to a situation where including contacts in the CC (Carbon Copy) field of an email leads to the creation of new end users, possibly in a system or platform context. Here's a detailed explanation:
CC'ed Contacts: In email communication, the CC field allows you to include additional recipients who will receive a copy of the email. These recipients are not the primary targets of the message but are included for their information or for transparency purposes.
End Users: In various contexts, "end users" typically refer to individuals who ultimately interact with a product, service, or system. In the context of software or online platforms, end users are the final consumers or users of the product or service. They are the ones who utilize the features and functionalities provided by the system.
Creation: The term "creation" suggests that when certain conditions are met, new end users are generated or added to a system. This creation could occur automatically as a result of specific actions or triggers within the system.
Causes: The word "causes" implies a cause-and-effect relationship between including contacts in the Civil ID field and the subsequent creation of end users. This suggests that there is a correlation between these two actions, and one directly influences the other.
Possible Contexts: This phrase could apply to various scenarios, particularly in the realm of software development, customer relationship management (CRM), or email management systems. For example, it might describe a situation where including certain email addresses in the CC field of a communication triggers the automatic creation of user accounts or profiles within a particular software platform.