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Setting up reminders for contractual date


Posted Aug 30, 2021


I am looking for options to set up reminders for end users in Zendesk Support. I have customers whose contracts expire on different dates. I want to be notified when their contract expires so that I can create a ticket. Is it possible to do that? One way is to add a user and add contractual dates, but how would I receive notification of their expiration date so that I can create to engage them.




I wanted this 2 years ago within Zendesk, but the easiest way is..
Make a new shared calendar at work for that purpose.

Add the people who need the reminder and just add the appointments


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Thomas D'Hoe

Community Moderator

Hi @...,

It's not possible the way how you see it. You always need to have an existing ticket to trigger something in Zendesk. So you can't add an end-user date field and build an automation to send a notification. 

What you can do instead of that is installing a marketplace app. Maybe you can help yourself with one of these Sweethawk apps:

- Future tickets app
- Recurring tickets app

If that's not a solution for you, we can work with an external database (Example which can trigger (create) tickets based on due dates in that database. 

If you need some help to set that up, please let me know. 


Hi Aamer Sajjad

You can create remainder dates in user profiles, and apply triggers 


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