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re-solving solved tickets for productivity


Posted Aug 30, 2021

This is a query I can build or a view I can create to check if agents are resolving solved tickets to increase their productivity (ticket solved) count? We have an issue where agents are opening solved tickets (these tickets are not opened by a customer) and then these agents are resubmitting them as solved again.  




A ticket can only technically be "solved" in a way that counts toward agent metrics once. You can submit a ticket as solved multiple times, and each of those submissions counts as an update, but it only counts as a solve for you if you're the assignee either at the time the query is run, or when the ticket is closed. In that case if you were counting updates as a productivity metric, it could be easily gamed.

One way to game ticket solves though that's more common is agent "stealing" solves from other agents. The best way to check that is to look at tickets where the status is closed, and the ticket has no public or private comments by the assignee.

Overall, though, a much better way to measure productivity is by counting public comments and private comments. Often multiple agents work on a ticket, and it's unfair to only give credit to the one who "solves" it, which is just the last agent to submit the ticket as solved before it moved to a closed state.

Here is an Explore recipe that you can use to give you much better insight into the actual level of engagement agents are having with customers. 



Thanks for these insights, Dan!


Would creating a view or a query be the best way to see this "look at tickets where the status is closed, and the ticket has no public or private comments by the assignee"? 

We do count productivity based on solved tickets, we don't have multiple agents working on one ticket unless it was a disconnect in chat or phone, and a customer contacts us again then we merge the tickets.  Email/webform is always solved by the assigned agent.  Would measuring productivity base on comments still apply here? 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Sandy,

If you are looking to report solved or closed tickets without an agent reply, we recommend that you use this Explore recipe to get the data you need: Explore recipe: Reporting on solved zero-touch tickets

You can also use the Ticket updates dataset to create a custom query that will show the tickets that have been solved at least once, then reopened. Below is the sample query you can build. You can also filter this by Updater role and by Time parameters.

Hope this helps!


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