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Seperate Public Note reply and Work notes within a ticket
Posted Jun 07, 2021
How can I seperate the Public Note section from Work Note section? I often find myself having to send public notes to users and also want to add worknotes before the ticket updates like Service Now. Is this possible? e.g. Two seperate fields: one for public note, one for work note.
Nicole Saunders
HI Andrew,
Are you referring to Internal Notes vs. Public Replies? We don't have any functionality named "work note" in Zendesk.
Assuming that you are, the answer is that, natively, you can only submit one comment at a time. So you would need to make your internal note, submit the ticket but stay on it, and then make your public response.
That being said, Zendesk has released the "Private Comments" app - an official app that creates the functionality to submit both simultaneously.
The app does have a cost at $1.00/agent/month, but it gets the job done.
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Dave Koston
Nicole, et al. I'm pretty sure that OP has the same issue that all your customers do:
Making the “Internal Note” and “Public Reply” text areas in the same place is a BAD design. Its too easy to accidentally send an internal note to a customer. I cannot understand why you do this instead of moving “Internal Note” to a button and showing a separate text area. To add insult to injury, you clear out the already written text when someone switches from Internal Note to Public Reply.