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Unable to Create or Modify "View"


Posted Mar 08, 2021

I'm unable to create new views or modify existing views on our account. In fact, everytime we try to save a view, it gives us an error of "Could Not save "View Name"". It's been very frustrating as it feels like we're missing buttons in other parts of the tools as well.





Hi Sam!

I'm not entirely sure if this would solve your current issue since I can only see the bottom-half of your Zendesk account, from the screenshot provided. But have you made sure to add at least one of the following attributes in the 'All'- conditions section? One of these needs to be made into a condition in order for you to save the view (be it a newly created view or a modification to an exsisting one):  

  • Assignee
  • Group
  • Requester
  • Status
  • or Type.

I hope this reply can provide you with a solution to the issue that you are currently facing. 

#helpsome regards,
Mikkel Linnebjerg
Zendesk Consultant @


Hi @...,
I have the same issue as @....

Here a screenshot with the browser's error console:

All the fields and settings are filled correctly, and this error also appear when I click on "Save" without making any change in the "View" settings.

In the "Network" tab of the browser's dev tools there is an error on the json call, with the following response:

"error": {
"title": "Forbidden",
"message": "You do not have access to this page. Please contact the account owner of this help desk for further help."

but I'm using the user "Account Owner" with all the permissions for doing this changes...


Thanks for your support!


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Beau P.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Simone,

View customization requires a Support Team plan or higher as detailed here: If your current plan level does not meet this requirement the behavior you're seeing is expected.

Beau | Customer Advocate

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