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Phrase Search in Guide Admin


Posted Oct 04, 2021

I'm trying to find all articles with a specific phrase so I can get rid of it. Many of our articles were written before my time at the company and contain an annoying "This article will" phrase at the top of each article. This phrase is redundant in 99% of cases.

Unfortunately, searching "this article will" (exactly like that with double quotes). Returns ANY article that contains those three words in any order. Using double quotes does not behave as described on the Zendesk support pages.

Am I missing something? I'd really rather not comb through over 100 articles one by one in order to find this exact phrase.




Hi Joshua,

Help Center search does use some logic that's intended to help end-users find articles when they may not have typed the exact text that's present in the relevant articles (see About Help Center end user search). But I think you may have better luck searching for "This article will" in the Support agent interface, and clicking the "Articles" filter. Can you give that a try and let me know if that works any better for you?


Hi, @... - it's not the Support agent interface or the end user search, this is when trying to arrange articles in the Guide admin.


Ah, thanks Joshua - It says "Guide Admin" in big letters in the title and everything, sorry I missed that, and thanks for the feedback!


This is an old one, but I still don't see a way to search for a specific phrase in the Guide Admin. Even if I use double quotes, it still gives me results similar to the phrase I'm searching for.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ned,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I get your interest in performing specific phrase searches within Guide Admin. Could you provide a search phrase example and the output it yields? 
From my understanding of our external documentation, searching in the Help Center necessitates exact words. When searching for a phrase, the system looks for content containing all words in the given order. For instance, searching for "article title" will display all pieces that have both 'article' and 'title' in sequence. Content that includes variants of the word, like 'articles,' will also appear. However, you will not see results with just the word 'title' standing alone.
While we may not have an explicit feature for excluding words, you can utilize the minus operator (-) to omit certain terms from your search results. For instance, if you search for reporting bugs -support, you'll receive entries with 'reporting' and 'bugs' but without 'support'.
I trust this information is useful to you. Additionally, you're always welcome to share your feedback through our community thread. This allows us to continuously improve our search feature for the Guide.


Hi Destiny

I have a similar issue to Joshua and Ned.

We're rebranding a feature in our product, so I need to track down all the references to the feature, and update them. The feature is a 2-word phrase in our Help Center.

Some are easy to spot when they're in the title, and are the topic of the article. I also want to track down internal links, which I use a lot.

The end-user search works with double quotes to find a phrase like, "Dated feature".

Weirdly, this does not work within the Guide > Manage articles interface that offers a search field.

I can search for 1 word at a time, but entering "Dated feature" gets me any article that contains "Dated", any article that contains "feature" and a long tail of articles that contain neither. I don't know why they are listed in the search results at all. 

This inaccuracy means it's hard to scope the work required.

Also: it's manual rewording, since Zendesk doesn't have a search-and-replace.


Hi Destiny,

We have a lot of articles containing a software version in the title like - 9.0R6.1.0 or 7.0R3.5.

Putting the whole version in quotes returns the particular version, but a lot of close version numbers as well. We are trying to list a particular version only in order to delete articles in bulk.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Elizabeth and Ned, 
Thank you greatly for providing insights into your specific use case. 
Your perspective is certainly valid, and I want to ensure you that I will convey your feedback to our team for consideration. While I cannot guarantee immediate changes, please know that your input is valuable and I will advocate for your concerns to be acknowledged. 
Meanwhile, I strongly recommend utilizing labels and tags in your Help Center content as a way to enhance search precision. 
I appreciate your understanding as we navigate this together.


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