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API Metadata
Posted Mar 18, 2021
Do you have any single API endpoint that would return all the resources/objects supported by Zendesk?
Also do you have an API endpoint that would return the schema (or) metadata of an object? For example, I am looking for something like - GET /api/v2/{objectname}/metadata
Greg Katechis
Hi there! At this time, the answer to both of those questions is no. With respect to the first question, I've never actually seen this done anywhere before, but I would be very interested if you have. If you have examples of a company doing this, please share that with me so that we can better understand how this might work.
Regarding the second question, we do not, but I know that is something that we have explored in the past. I'll raise this question again and see what the sentiment is like these days. It will take a bit of time, so it may be a couple of weeks until I have an answer for you, but I will get back to you. Is there a specific endpoint/API where you'd particularly like to see this?
Claude Dev
Hello Greg,
Thank you for providing the confirmation about the discovery!
Responding to your query, there are lot of providers like Salesforce, Google, Workday, Microsoft Dynamics, etc. do provide the option to identify all the resources they support with a single endpoint. It would something like:
/apiversion/metadata OR /$meta -> to retrieve all the supported resources
/apiversion/{resourcename}/metadata OR /{resourcename}/$meta -> to retrieve the metadata/schema of a single resource. This single endpoint will help the user determine the metadata of any resource.
Greg Katechis
Thanks for sharing that! I'll pass this feedback along to our dev team and they'll reach out if they have any further questions!
Greg Katechis | Developer Support and Enablement Engineer
Navin Karunanithi
hi Greg Katechis is the API endpoint that would return the schema (or) metadata of an object available now ?
Eric Nelson
This feature request hasn't been taken up by product. If you'd like to explain your use case, feel free to post in our feedback section.