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Zendesk Voice: New call notification through speakers, call through headset


Posted Apr 20, 2012

Our support people don't have their headsets on all of the time and are often flipping between applications -- meaning they don't always have Zendesk on-screen.

To use the audio through the browser, the notification "ring" AND the audio from the caller goes to the Windows default speaker. The Flash configuration pop-up only lets you choose your mic, but not your speaker. So, you can either have that audio go to the computer speaker or to the headset. Here's the problem:

  1. You don't want to wear a headset just for the mic, but have the caller's audio come through the speakers.

  2. If you pick headset as your default Windows speaker, then you don't hear the call notification "ring" unless you're always wearing your headset or always staring at Zendesk -- which we aren't.

That means for us, I can't find a way to use Zendesk voice because there's no good way to know when a call comes in.

Even if the pop-up happened in a way that would come up on the user's desktop, it could work. But it's only in that one browser window that's running Zendesk. If they aren't looking at it, they won't see that, either.

If someone has ideas on how to address this otherwise, let me know, since we'd love to use the voice features!




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