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Custom Format for MINUTES (display X h X m)
Posted Aug 05, 2020
Hi all, I've just converted my first Dashboard over from Insights into Explore. Was quite a challenge to get my head around all the new features, but so far I'm liking it, and far better than having to jump into Good Data.
I have one issue in trying to format my results in MINUTES into a custom HOURS & MINS format.
For example, I would like to display/format my Update handling time (mins) metric to display in Hours and Mins as per my screenshot:
In the old Insights we used a string formatter like this:
{{{||0}}} h {{{0.0166666666666|60.|00}}} m
If this was in EXCEL (and results were in hours first) I could convert with something like this:
=IF(HOUR(C4)>0, HOUR(C4) & " h","") & IF(MINUTE(C4)>0, MINUTE(C4) & " m","")
Given so much of our SUPPORT ticketing metrics are measured in minutes, I'm hoping the product team may add a few more possibilities for displaying time when converted from the standard format.
Walter Bellante
Thanks for sharing your feedback about Explore.
It is possible to format dates by using the "DATE_FORMAT" function (Learn more here)
As an example, if you wanted to display the ticket creation time with the format you mentioned, you can use the following syntax on the "Standard Calculated Attribute":
DATE_FORMAT([Ticket created - Timestamp],"hh h mm m")
I hope this helps.
Jens Herlevsen
I would really like to see this as well. This was easy to do in gooddata but so far does not seem to be possible in Explore.
@... This is not a date, its a duration, eg. a number of seconds/minutes/hours etc.
Dan Ross
Definitely looking for this functionality on duration data types as well.
Jack Rausser
+1 Dan Ross