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Track Agent/Assignee updates
Posted Jan 10, 2020
Is there a way to track the last updated date by the ticket assignee? We have a way to show the latest updated date, but is not helpful when trying to determine if an agent is active in the ticket. Insights has an attribute name Date (Assignee Updated) which does just that, but it's not available in explore.
Hopefully we can get the attribute back in explore, it would be extremely helpful.
Christopher Stock
Hi Brad. Could you use one of the 'Time - Ticket last updated' attributes and then filter on 'Updater role' is Admin or Agent?
I too would like to see the 'Assignee Updated' attributes in Explore. Applying a 'Ticket last updated' attribute with a role filter doesn't work in the same way. In Insights, reporting on the number of assignee replies giving the month the last assignee update occurred was as simple as using '# Replies' metric with 'Month/Year (Assignee Updated)' attribute.
For example, if a ticket was last updated by an assignee in December 2020 but another update occurs in January 2021 (eg, automation, CSAT), Insights would correctly report this for December whereas Explore reports the agent reply for January.
Irene Griffin
Overcoming this with private Views, where you can include last update by assignee (group by) then running a manual report exported to excel every day to handle performance oversight. This is a glaring deficiency that would/will easily pull us to a competitor.