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@mention in Community


Posted Dec 04, 2017

Hi :)

For consideration: @mention feature on Community.

We have some customers trying to talk to each-other on our Community using @mentions, and some have even hyperlinked another member's profile in an attempt to get their attention.

It would be great to have an @mention for Community members so they are more directly notified when there's a peer to peer interaction.

Thank you





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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hello everyone,

We want to announce that this product feature is now live and a part of Gather! Thanks to everyone who helped drive us to this launch with your feedback, testing, and suggestions. If you have any feedback on this or features unique to Gather, please feel free to post in our new Gather Product Feedback forum. For more information on this live feature, feel free to look into this article detailing all of the new features and capabilities!

Gather Product Feedback

Announcing Zendesk Gather

Best regards!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Stephen, 

Thanks so much for your feedback. We've brought this up many times internally - we'd love to be able to @mention you all as well! It's great tool for building up interaction and relationships in the community. 

However, as the Product Manager for Guide said in his post on another thread that asked about the future of the Zendesk Community platform: 

"For now we don't intend on prioritizing any new Community features in 2018. Unfortunately, we have to make choices in prioritization with how we invest in our products with our time and resources and we see a much larger opportunity to continue investment in our knowledge base features. 

As always we may re-evaluate this decision at some later date but as of right now, I wouldn't expect any new features in 2018. Sorry for the inconvenience." 

I encourage folks to continue to share their feedback and up vote, this thread (and any other product feedback thread you support) as that's the kind of thing that can help turn the tide of where development resources get allocated. 

Thanks for your participation! Hearing from you makes Zendesk better. 




Hi Nicole, that's a shame. We'd really love to ramp up our peer to peer strategy and this would be an awesome way to encourage it among our members.

I appreciate your honesty and clarity here though. So thanks for the reply :)


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

You're welcome, Stephen. Sorry it's not more thrilling news on that front. 

And I totally hear you - I can't tell you how many times per day I wish I could @mention someone! 


That's a real shame, the Community aspect of Zendesk is the one area that's really lacking. We're really struggling to create a community in there at the moment.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - 

Quick update here: the Guide product team is planning to start development on the Communities platform back up in 2019. They're currently working on their roadmap for next year, so be sure to add your voice and vote to anything you'd like to see them prioritize! 


Excellent news - gifs too please!!


This is great news! Please consider @mentions as priority so members can actually talk to each other and moderators can foster relationships! 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

@Nadia - Can you create a new thread for the GIF request so we can keep this one to be about @mentions? Thanks!


Thanks for the update @Nicole - this is good news.
Thanks for asking the question @Stephen 


@Nicole, any update on this?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Stephen - 

Thanks for checking in! For once I have good news: @mentions have been prioritized for development. Assuming the testing goes well, we expect an Early Access Program later this year. We'll continue to provide updates as e have news!


It's possible to @ agents and light agents on tickets in Zendesk Support, so extending this to the Community AND being able to @ end-users would be a great addition.

Looking forward to hearing more, Nicole.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Imbi -

We'll keep you posted. It's likely still a few months out, but it is on the roadmap and actively being worked on.


@nicole Would love this feature as well. Added my vote and follow. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Dennis - 

Good news, we expect this functionality to go into EAP in the near future! We will keep you posted as things progress. 


Hi @nicole!

Is this EAP already live? I just noticed it listed here and signed up! 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Dennis - 

It's not live quite yet. I think they're collecting participants in advance, but I do expect it to launch any day. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi everyone - 

The EAP (Early Access Program - what we call a beta) for @mentions in Help Center is now open:

Zendesk Guide EAP - @mentions for community


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