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What is the future for Zendesk Community?
Posted Nov 21, 2017
We are looking to build a genuine 'community' space - not just a modified Support environment. This means we are looking for 'mainstream' Forum/Community functionality: quoting; formatted posts; avatars, personal messages; status badges; gamification; etc.
Naturally, this means we are thinking of abandoning Zendesk Community.
However... not so long ago we were looking for alternatives to Zendesk Voice because we really needed call-back in queue; then Zendesk came out with that feature. I would HATE to quit Zendesk Community only to find there was good stuff in the pipeline.
So... any plans to bring Zendesk Community up to parity with mainstream community portals?
Nicole Saunders
An exciting update to share today! Zendesk Communities, a subset of Guide, is now officially a product unto itself, and we're calling it Zendesk Gather.
Gather has its own product manager and development team, and will be resourced and expanded on an ongoing basis. So please, continue to share your feedback on how we can best improve this product and make it the most effective community platform for you.
Please create your suggestions as new posts in the Gather product feedback topic. If you haven't posted before, here are our tips on how to write an effective feedback post.
Maggie St.Clair
Yes, same for us. We would love to keep our Community in Zendesk, but they are missing some basic features of a community. It would help greatly in our decision making to know if this is in the works!
Ryan McGrew
Hey All,
For now we don't intend on prioritizing any new Community features in 2018. Unfortunately, we have to make choices in prioritization with how we invest in our products with our time and resources and we see a much larger opportunity to continue investment in our knowledge base features.
As always we may re-evaluate this decision at some later date but as of right now, I wouldn't expect any new features in 2018. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Paul Clark
Thanks Ryan.
It would have been awesome to hear that Community would be seeing a significant upgrade, but I'll take transparency about your intention not to do this as a good second!
Maggie St.Clair
Agreed. A response, even one I don't like, is always appreciated over silence. Thanks for the quick reply.
Sam Watson
Is there anywhere I can find a release schedule or somewhere that future updates can be found?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Sam -
We do not have a publicly published roadmap. If you're looking for features or functionality related to the Communities platform, however, the answer is that there are no further developments planned in the foreseeable future, as Ryan indicated in his official comment above.
Otherwise, I encourage you to subscribe to the Release Notes section in our Knowledge Base, to keep current with the latest updates.
Nicole Saunders
Hi all - a new update here: development has resumed on the community platform! If there are features or functionality that you'd like to see, be sure to up-vote and add your comments to any relevant existing conversations or create new ones in the Gather Product Feedback topic if no one has made a similar request yet.
Oscar Junker
I wanted to update this thread and let everyone know we have started focusing on the communities part of Guide again and will start releasing new features soon, we even have open EAPs for Alias and soon @mentions
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
The Alias EAP is now live - head there to learn more and sign up!
We'll update again when the @mentions EAP opens.
Nicole Saunders
Update: the @ mentions EAP is now live as well. Go get it!
Jake Moore
Hi there,
I don't see this option to turn on aliases in our Guide admin centre. This is what we have:
Jake Moore
@Oscar and/or @Nicole, it's great to hear that new Community features are in the works. Can you provide any insights into what those features are?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Jake -
The @ mentions and alias functions previously mentioned will be some of the first new features to come to the Communities platform. There are others in the works, but we can't share them publicly just yet. We'll be sure to keep this thread current and update it as soon as we can!
Jake Moore
Thanks Nicole, a bit a feedback for the decision makers at Zendesk, having a public road-map would help us (as a current Zendesk customer) better plan for how Zendesk could fit into our vision and plans for a community; and to expand our overall usage of Zendesk. Without those insights we may end up having to use a different platform for our community needs. I recognize that community isn't at all Zendesk's primary or core offering but it would be of help to us. There's lot of benefits for us being able to use fewer tools and platforms to meet our needs.
Nicole Saunders
Hey Jake -
Thanks for that feedback, I will share it with the appropriate folks internally.
We don't publish or share a roadmap in this forum for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, specifically because we do not want anyone making purchasing decisions based on possible future features. While roadmaps are a solid plan, they do still sometimes shift due to changing priorities, development roadblocks, etc. and we don't want anyone to feel that we promised them something that we can't deliver on. So we only share things that are pretty far down the development pipeline. Second, given that this is a fully public forum, we know competitors could be lurking around, so it's a smarter business move not to share everything we've got up our sleeves until we're ready.
We do share things as early as we can without risking anything that could look like false advertising or giving a tip to our competition, and we can tell you that there are plans to continue innovating on the community platform for the foreseeable future.
If you've got specifics on what you're looking to do with your community, I'd be happy to discuss how we do things and offer up ideas and best practices with the platform as it stands today. :)