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Links aren't working in Trigger Response to Emails


Posted Oct 19, 2021


We have added the following <a href=""></a> tags to our trigger body (auto response trigger) and the hyperlink is not clickable or anything, it is just plain text. Please assist?

<a href="">text here</a>




Hi Davis,

It should work if you add the protocol to the url, e.g.: <a href="">text here</a>


@... Yes, that is exactly what we tried and it doesn't work, it comes out as plain text that you cannot click.


Dave Dyson (yahoo end-user) is there any other feedback on how to troubleshoot this? Is there some setting we need to enable?


Hi Davis, thanks for your patience. I think this may require some deeper investigation – can you try contacting our support team? Contacting Zendesk Customer Support


Sorry for the delay, I had to enable Rich content from Admin Settings > Tickets > Settings for <a href></a> tags to work! Cheers!


Glad you got it working, Davis!


Hi Everyone, 

I think this is no longer working. We've been getting clients reaching out stating it no longer links to our helpcenter. 

We have rich content enabled with the same <a href=“Our Link to our Help Center”>Help Centre</a>

So it appears to be broken. 



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Bart,

It seems that you are using an incorrect format. It should look like this.

<a href=“”>Help Centre</a>



Hi, it looks like the ticket settings page has changed - we do not see an option to enable rich content anymore and can't get links to work:
Is there a workaround for this? We have enabled rich content under Channels > Email > Rich content in email


My links to the ticket are not coming in as links in the notification emails I have it like this: (also don't see the rich text option in admin)

Ticket - <a href="{{ticket.url}}">{{ticket.url}}</a> 

Why isn't it making a clickable link?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Andres, 
You'll have to locate the notification trigger or automation and select Edit. Then modify the action or actions as needed.
The following placeholders insert ticket links in the email body: {{}} or {{}}
For information on working with placeholders, see Using placeholders.


Thanks @... I will give it a shot. 


Same issue as Ivan Kiprin, can't find the option to enable rich content and the links are all unclickable at the moment.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Aran,

Please contact our support directly for us to further check this behavior.


Dane Thanks, contacted and resolved. Also updating how it was resolved:
Apparently the best way is re-type the whole code again or copy pasting the html into Notepad before pasting it to Zendesk. The reason of the issue (in my instance) is because some strange and weird code was attached to the link when copy pasting, which on the user end (our end) will seem normal.


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