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Adding Group as a followers / CC'S

Posted Sep 28, 2021

Hi Zendesk!

Can you please add an option to make group as a followers? Right now we could only add them on ticket followers one by one.

I have many Light Agents and create a group for them.






We need this, because the limiting factor (in our case) is that role permissions either allow only your own groups, or all tickets. This leads to the following:

  • More groups than necessary
  • Workaround where you have to add every individual agent to a workflow
  • Limits use of "group changed to" trigger conditions

It would be nice to also have a middle ground in which a role could be tied to a ticket form type and not just an agent group. As a workaround though, adding an agent group as a follower to a ticket would meet the need.


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

We have the problem where an Agent will start a side conversation with another group they aren't in. As such, any other agent that tries to work on that ticket can't update the Side Conversation as they are not the requester and not in the group. If we could add Groups as followers, then they would be able to do so


I see this request made in 2021 and still nothing changed in the logic.

We also group both our agents and the tickets based on regions, like EU, US etc. 
But when I like to put followers as related groups, there is no such option. Is there a workaround for that ?  


I'm looking for this exact functionality as well. Sam's suggestion on the top comment would be even better for us, but being able to cc a group would solve the issue well enough.




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Benjamin Kirsch

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey all, thanks for engaging on this thread and providing feedback on this product area. We have logged this feedback for our backlog but do not currently have plans to implement this into our roadmap as we are focused on features to surface outbound email bounce information and the ability for customers to connect their email servers directly to their Support Instance. We will continue to leave this thread open for community comments for more use cases and if anything changes in the future on our end we will update as soon as possible. We understand this may be frustrating for folks but hope transparency is helpful in your understanding. Thank you again for providing your feedback to us!


We would really need this functionality too. We are using Zendesk across a lot teams/departments and can not allow agents to view tickets assigned to groups they are not a member of. We've created a macro to re-assign tickets to groups the agent is not a member of,  but since we can't add groups as followers only the agent who forwarded the ticket still has access and needs to manually add all his team members as followers.

It would be great to have the possibility to assign the current group as follower using macros/triggers.


We would greatly benefit from this feature


We are facing the same problem and we want the same solution.


Hi Zendesk,


we would be grateful for this feature. 


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