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Unsubscribe from 'Follower' using a Mail API
Posted Dec 03, 2020
“Using the Mail API to update ticket properties from your inbox” – We wish to be able to remove a follower from the ticket using Zendesk Mail API (for example #unfollow to remove user11 from the Follower list).
Customer Support
Is anyone going to respond to this? I would also like to know how to forward and email to my ZD Support and have the Mail API add followers. I.e., #followers,,etc.
My requirement is to be able to forward an email from Outlook to our ZD Support system to create a ticket, but include all the CC's on the email Is this possible?
Gab Guinto
Hi Jim,
Unfortunately, there is no Mail API command available yet for adding or removing CCs or followers to tickets. The only supported commands are those that are listed here. But, if you're forwarding messages and there are users CC'd to the email that's sent to Zendesk, then these addresses should automatically be added as CCs too to the ticket created in your Zendesk.
As far as I know, there's nothing specific yet in the roadmap for this, but we appreciate you adding a comment to this thread. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning. Thanks Jim!