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Agent Workspace feedback - Tab titles / details
Posted Oct 30, 2020
We recently enabled the new Zendesk Agent Workspace for our small team. A common piece of feedback we've received from our team is related to the details displayed in the tab title.
In the Agent Workspace, the name of the requester and a snippet of text in the most recent message response is displayed. While this may be useful for those that are primarily a chat environment, this information is not helpful for those with an environment that is primarily email/web and phone. (Although even in a chat environment, I don't see how seeing two or three words in the tab is helpful.)
Most email/web tickets start off the same, "Hi <name>." When multiple tickets are opened from the same requester (such as when comparing details from previous incidents), it isn't easy to identify which ticket is which.
The above image is five different tickets from Keith. Can you tell which is which?
In the previous layout, displaying the ticket title gave context on the content of the ticket. As you can see in the above screenshot, displaying the Requester name and first couple of words does not. This has negative effects on the team's workflow. They are now having to click between tickets more often to identify them.
A response I've seen from Zendesk in the announcement of the Agent Workspace is to mouse over the tabs to see more details. That's not a viable solution. Agents are more efficient when they are able to eyeball what tab is what by seeing the information they need in the tab itself.
If our team has any more feedback on this, I'll be sure to provided it.