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Allow a trigger to post comment updates


Posted Jul 24, 2013

Please allow us to add a comment to an open ticket via trigger.

I'd like a public record of the comment I sent out to my customer, vs. a mere email that goes out via the trigger.

Thank you very much!




This is also highly valuable for Problem + Incident type ticket management.

I have created a new article with my case scenario that you can see


I need this, but with the additional condition that it does not satisfy SLAs.


Follow up on this thread, 3 yrs of this feature being requested and no updates from the product support manager. I spoke with tech support and they agreed that this feature is requested all the time and if available it would reduce a lot of zendesk support calls.


@Sean 3 years???? Looks closer to ANOTHER 5 year thread as it goes back to Jully 2013 (4.5 years) :(


I have a very strong need to add the contents of a email which is generated through some triggered automation and used liquid markup to generate dynamic content, into a private note of that ticket. We currently do not have a simple way to allow agents to know what the hell Zendesk actually sent. 


In fact, I had to open up a support ticket on this, only to get re-directed to this thread!!!!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Sean and Chris - 

We're aware that there have been some significant communication issues in the Product Feedback topic, and are actively working to make this a better experience. 

I've flagged this thread for our Product Managers as one in urgent need of an update, and will let you know as soon as I'm able to get a response from them. 


Thanks Nicole.


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

We've been successfully using the "hack" suggested by Simon N on page 1 of this thread. I know it's not as easy as it could be but it works!

I've copied and posted it here:

Simon N

Hello everyone,

There is actually a neat way to pull this off via the Zendesk API*. You'll have to create an URL target in the 'extentions' tab and then add a 'Notifications: Notify target' rule to each trigger / automation to make it happen, but once set up it works like a charm!

Check out this article for further info:

*No 3rd party tools required!



Any updates here? This is going on for about 5 years now in different threads and it seems like a basic requirement.




Hi @all -- first of all, apologies for the belated response. It looks like ownership of this thread fell through the cracks. As Nicole mentioned, the Community team is working hard to improve communication as the volume of forum posts is outpacing the Product Managers' bandwidth to cover them all.

I've done some digging into why this feature was not pursued. It was definitely under consideration, but it seems that we were unable to implement it as requested without incurring a race condition (when two actions happen at the exact same time in a different payload, negating one of them for having in essence the exact same time stamp). It's a byproduct of the way ticket updates work, and how both trigger execution and posting comments fit into that.

For now, the workaround is your best bet. But it's really helpful to read your use cases and the problems you're trying to solve with this, as there may other approaches if we can't make the solution work exactly as requested. We'll give it another round of thinking.


This is high on our wishlist as well. We have two use cases for this - 

The first is in our SLAs. We send out a generic "Your case has been routed to X group, you can expect an update shortly" response via a macro for tickets received through email, and via a trigger that sends an email notification for tickets received through a web form. From our client's perspective, the experience is the same. But since the first case is a comment and the second case is an email notification, the First Response SLA policy doesn't see our web form tickets as having received a first response.


The second case is an integration we have with a third party app. The app can pull in comments in the ticket, but not other data such as field selections, etc. We currently a macro that someone has to manually apply which pulls the ticket field info into a private comment before the ticket is solved. If it was possible to generate this private comment using a trigger or automation, it would save our agents some time.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the feedback, Sarah. Your detailed comments are helpful. 


Astonishing that this isn't included already. Get on with it please.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Oliver, 

As Kristen indicated in her last response, there are technical barriers to this functionality at this point in time. The product team may revisit the idea, but for the time being it is not something we plan to pursue development on in the immediate future.


When I test the API target with URL:{{}}.json 
methon PUT 

and with JSON: 

"ticket": { 
"id": "1028", 
"comment": { "body": "Thanks for choosing Acme Jet Motors.", "public": true } 


It says: 'X-Zendesk-API-Warn: Removed restricted keys [""] from parameters according to whitelist'

Please advise, what can I do about that? ("id": "1028" - is optional, within a trigger I plan not to use it, {{}} should work in URL, right?)


I have a use case for automating the ability to add private or public comments to tickets via triggers


We have some customers submitting tickets via text messages. When they do this the subject and comments read [no content]. The message is provided in an attachment that needs to be opened. Some agents pick this up and read the attachment. Other agents are noting the tickets as spam.

We would like to have a private comment systemically added when tickets have [no content] in the subject and comments. A blurb highlighting the ticket might be a text message and they should check the tickets attachment before considering the ticket to be spam.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the detailed feedback, Stacy.

Adding comments via a trigger or automation remains something the product team is not currently working toward, however, the product manager does wish to continue collecting use-cases like this for the possibility of future consideration.


Use case: I want to provide my agents guidance or a link to an article based on terms in the ticket or subject. This would be incredible for checklists and relevant information as internal notes


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Andrew Pritula

Zendesk Luminary

We are also interested in this functionality. 

Use case: We would like to trigger different automatic replies based on the various potential responses to dropdowns on the initial ticket submission form. Some of our triggered replies could prompt a response from the user. It would be much easier for our agents if they could see the triggered response inline rather than having to investigate in Events which triggered response was sent and what the user might be referencing in their reply.


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Andrei Kamarouski

Community ModeratorThe Wise One - 2021

Hi all.
Recently we in Pythia have released First Reply Automation feature (for 100% secure cases and using macros as replies). We provide free Automation diagnostic with exact numbers of automatable cases and potential savings (based on tickets data for the last 90 days).


I'm shocked that this isn't on your roadmap. I see the post above from Stacey, but that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to not find a way to make it happen. It's clear from this article that this a commonly requested feature which I too am in need of.

Use case: Automation that re-opens tickets from pending after a period of time. Having the automation or a trigger add a private comment with an agent-specific note on why this ticket was re-opened. Tags and Customer fields aren't clear enough.



We really need this feature! Of course, we can create targets that will do this for us - but by doing this, workflows will get messy and you would actually need to get a hold on an engineer, instead of just using a trigger/automation and then just do it! :-)

I have a case, where we need to push CSAT to the comment field and instead of creating a target, it'd be nice to just choose a public comment! 

I'll be looking forward to seeing this feature implemented in Zendesk Support. 


I'm also looking for this feature. There are many cases where we have sent a message to our customers in a trigger and the only way to indicate that it has happened is a tag. I would much prefer to include a note that the message was sent, and provide the agent picking up the ticket with further instruction.

In addition, there are several cases where we have tickets created on behalf of customers by folks in other parts of the business. In cases like this, it's incredibly important to flag for the agent that they will have to change the requester on their ticket before responding.

Having to rig up a strange confluence of 3rd party solutions should not be necessary for something so basic. In my ideal situation there is another action available on triggers to leave internal notes with further steps when a trigger or automation has been run.



For those of you who are like me; that see the value of the API but find it too complex; I was able to accomplish adding a note to a ticket using Zapier. Not as ideal as I would prefer to do everything in one interface. However, it gets the job done until Zendesk adds this much-needed feature!


This should absolutely be a native feature. The fact that it isn't is kind of strange. The email message is right there in the ticket meta data anyway...

I've come across a few places where the option to update the comment section is not available (or the subject line) and these are strange little idiosyncrasies that I'd hope ZD would get solved.


Anyway, plus one for me on this feature!!!


This post edited by the Zendesk Community team to redact an email address.




... really Zendesk.. there are so many good reasons to allow documenting a "hidden" notification visibly in the ticket... Why do you ignore these 83 requests?




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Joel Cohen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Folks - PM for triggers here. I know this is an old post but I wanted to update this group that we just recently launched auto reply and internal note actions in triggers. Here is the announcement!


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