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Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation
Not Planned
Posted Oct 22, 2009
Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.
Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address. This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.
Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.
Jan Jambor
Sometimes things seem to be so obvious but they are not. I don't know why this feature is missing as this is a request all our clients have: " please put always Mr. X and Mrs. Y on cc". For us as service provider it's always a pain when we don't think about this and the client is always complaining "why the hell are X and Y not in CC, I told 1'000 times to do this".
So please please please add this simple feature, it's no rocket science.
Jason Walker
+1 At least provide some workaround. I have thought of many ways to do this but none are desirable.
Used Zapier to post to a Yammer group. That would then post to the Yammer group for all inbound comments. Still need outbound.
Used Salesforce integration. This only works for people that have Salesforce accounts and the have to check manually.
Used an outlook rule on my inbox to CC a distro list. This works for inbound comments and not outbound. So we have manually add distro to CC on first response.
The last would be the most ideal if you are not going to add this feature. Give me a free user account that I can tie a "distro list" email address too.
There had to be a better way to do this! PLEASE!
Stephanie Bryne
@Jason Walker
Although not at all desirable we have a work around. We created a CC ticket field that the end user fills in when they submit a ticket. This would only work if you strictly use the web portal. That's the best we came up with at my company.
Stephanie Bryne
Sorry, forgot to finish my thought. The agent then has to manually type in all users that need to be CC'd.
Brian Kichler
We implemented a workaround for this using Zapier as well. I set up a Zendesk-to-Gmail zap that automatically emails the ticket ID, subject, and description to a list of level 1 support techs at one of our customer sites when a new ticket for their organization is created. We use Google Apps for Business, so I just set up a "DoNotReply" email address for this purpose. The zap is filtered by the "organization_name" JSON tag, so any new tickets not for that organization in particular are filtered when the automation runs.
It's not ideal, but we at least got our customer what they wanted.
When will this be released? We really need this feature! We have a senior person on our team who is not part of daily operations but who would like to be cc'd on all tickets.
Wes Shank
I am confused - the action is already in place Ticket: Add CC. All that needs to be done is that field to include a user-defined entry.
Come one guys, this isn't rocket science....
Jose Ceppi
Hello Wes,
Where do you see that? When I go to add the requested action in Automations/Triggers the option is indeed there, but it only lets me add agent’s email addresses, not end user’s. Could you please clarify how did you do it?
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
@Jose, sorry but you can only add agents as CC addresses using a trigger or automation, you cannot add end users.
Mary Kay Soto
Sorry if these items are already in here somewhere:
Is there a plan to add the cc option to macros?
Also did something change on the system that removed the ability for Agents to add macros. Your procedures document says anyone can create one. Our Light Agents can see macros but do not have the option to add them and if a Macro includes updating certain fields (i.e; Tags) the fields are not updated. It works if a Full Agent uses the macro.
3. We are trying to set up the following and this is the only way we've figured out to make it work. Any suggestions for other options. This seems like a lot of steps to maintain if changes need to be made. Objective: When we get a new client several people need to do set up on different systems. We want to notify these individuals that they need to do this work. Following are the steps we've figured out.
a) Create Group with appropriate people - need to do this because we want to send a message to everyone and we haven't been able to figure out how to send message to CCs on ticket.
b) Macro - This macro has to be added to ticket by a Full Agent because system will not let Light Agents update all fields a) Set Subject b) Add new client information to comment field. c) Add Assignee d) Add Tag e) Add Type f) Add Priority
b. Trigger - a) Based on tag - add CCs b) Send email notification to Group - unless there is a way to send one to CCs the we won't need the group.
Thanks for your help. Mary Kay
Jim Stratton
This was requested at least 3.5 years ago (see In those 3.5 years, I have never found any statement from anyone at Zendesk that they are even considering adding that option.
Patrick Maloney
When will this be implemented? I am currently using a trial version of Zendesk, and need to be able to automatically add specific end users to a ticket's cc list depending upon the organization of the requester. Not having this capability will likely force us to select another helpdesk product.
Eric Foster
This use case can be accomplished very easily within your own organization.
Using the trigger function you can add any ZenDesk Agent as a CC based on any of the defined trigger criteria, ex: ticket from Acme Corp add this agent as CC.
As long as you have the Enterprise license (or higher) you can add unlimited "light agents" which can then be assigned as CC's to a message.
So, in my ZenDesk, we have a number of salespeople and we want to automatically CC the salesperson on any of their customer activity in ZenDesk.
At hire, each Salesperson gets provisioned into ZenDesk as a Light Agent.
A trigger is set up for each SalesPerson, and an "OR" statment is created using the "Meet Any of the Following" trigger logic. The logic added is "Ticket:Organization is Acme Corp" then Perform Action: "Ticket Add CC: Salesrep"
As an added benefit, any assigned Light Agents only can comment privately on tickets -- this solves the correlated issue where if you use the "Notify: Target" function to send an email to a user or distribution list, any replies to that email will be public replies and will cause an update to the ticket (and be sent to the customer who opened the ticket).
This was a driving factor to my upgrade to the Enterprise license. ZenDesk support doesn't do a good job of addressing this use case as such -- I actually filed a ticket that was escalated to Level 2 ZenDesk Support on how to possibly deal with this use case, and was simply informed that it wasn't possible to deal with email replies not being public. There is a way, its to use the Light Agent function available in the Enterprise license.
Simon van de Westerlo
We need this implemented for several customers where a certain IT manager is responsible for multiple sites and wants to be informed every time an incident is registered.
Don Shipp
You should not have to upgrade to Enterprise and add the overhead of creating "light" agents to CC on a ticket. Sometimes managers just want to know if their people are hogging IT time unnecessarily - and to be in the loop on their areas.
Wes Shank
We are an enterprise user and the absolute LAST thing I want to do is setup a CLIENT as a lite user. I could just imagine a user getting into their account (or another client's account) and reading the private message *shudder*.
IMHO, the lite user method would be quite a kludge.
Bottom line, Zendesk needs listen to their users and add this incredibly minor adjustment. As most of us work with developers I am sure we are reluctant to make judgments on how long a modification would take - however, on this one I am going to go out on a limb and say it would take about 15 minutes but for whatever reason Zendesk is committed to dragging this out.
Eric Foster
I definitely would not ever suggest adding customers as a Light Agent.
My solution writeup was merely to reference the ability to solve the "add a CC of an internal person (i.e. in your own organization) on a ticket" use case which is a significant portion of the requests here -- that use case can be solved (quite easily, I might add) with the Enterprise ZenDesk license and the Light Agent role that comes therein.
Simon van de Westerlo
Is Zendesk going to response anytime ? The last reply was from October 11, 2013 ...
Maybe update us about your plans and give a date when we could expect something since the status is Planned.
On-topic, I can't use your workaround Eric because we need to CC end users/customers.
Kristof Van Kriekingen
I haven't joined this since the start but Planned doesn't mean it's instantly planned.
It could have been on planned for a month or a year. I'm pretty sure if they had an ETA for this, they would have told us already since loads of people want this feature. I'm afraid we'll just have to wait for when they make a beta version of this. I learnt that pushing them isn't going to make it better, it will only make people more frustrated.
There are a lot of ups & downs towards this which have to be figured out and tested.
Kind regards
川上 伸太郎
Joe Hettinger
We have IT Managers that need to be copied n every time one of their employees sends us a ticket. So please add the ability to add end users to the CC through a trigger.
Aaron Miller
Chantal Meersman
Chris Babcock
Wow, I am completely dumb founded after reading through this Feature Request. There is a glaring need for the ability to CC end-users (regardless of the "work around") yet there has been no Zendesk comment to this in 9 months?
I don't buy any of the excuses as to it being a UI issue, etc. Just add a text field and allow for the manual entry of an email address. This reeks of the powers to be just looking for people who are already invested to fork over more money for an agent license.
This Feature Request is almost 5 years old...can someone from Zendesk be honest and just tell us this will never happen so I know whether or not to look for another ticketing system?
Joe Hettinger
Chris, funny you say this. I opened a case for this issue about a month ago and was redirected to this forum topic. But Rodney was cool and did not immediately close out the case like most ZD reps do. Then I get this email from ZD saying:
Hi there
Just wondering if you've had a chance to review the latest update from Rodney, the Customer Advocate assigned to your support request?
Seeing that this was is yet another feature going no where I replied :
+1 for Rodney Lewis for not immediately closing out my ticket like most ZD reps do.
-1 to ZD for yet another feature that is planned with no date in Site.
Go ahead and close out this ticket as “another feature request I will probably never see.”
And yet again the disappointment bell rings.
Chris, just to clear your comment up.
You can in fact cc any email address using the cc box. You simply type it in there. This has actually been a problem for me because I want to RESTRICT my agents from being able to cc end users and only be able to cc registered users. But that's another story.
Does the workaround in the original post not work for everyone?
"Use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd."
Adam Fronteras
we need this as well as using the target method causes problems if the person is already a cc on the ticket
Michael Krapf
This is a much needed feature. We'd like to add tags based on the cc'ed email.
Michael Krapf
Please also consider allowing a macro to populate the cc field.
Yannick Laurent
Hi Zendesk team,
some news about this "planned" feature ?