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Hiding a ticket form on the 'submit a request' page


Posted Aug 12, 2021


I need to know how to hide a form from the 'submit a request' page drop down option, we don't want customers able to select it from the list (we are currently doing a trial by sending them a hyperlink to it through email contact). Customers are not required to sign in to submit a form so we can't use the option of hiding dependant on organisation (saw an article recommending this).

Does anyone know how I can do this please? Newbie coder here so not sure how to go around doing this!




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Eric Norris

Zendesk Luminary

We got an updated script that seems to work. Not sure how, and there might be a more elegant way of writing it, but it seems to work. Hope this helps:

  var tagsToRemove = ['thing_1','thing_2','thing_3'];
 function removeTagsWeDontWant()
   const removeNodes = (node) => {
     for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
       const wasRemoved = removeNodes(node.childNodes[i]);
       if (wasRemoved) {

     if (node.nodeType === 1 && tagsToRemove.includes(node.getAttribute("id"))) {
       return true;
     return false;

   const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationList =>
     mutationList.filter(m => m.type === 'childList').forEach(m => {
   document.querySelectorAll('.nesty-panel').forEach(panel => observer.observe(panel,{childList: true, subtree: true}));


So once we hide the other forms and then what if we want to access the hide form for our internal access on admin side then how can we access them. 


Eric, you're the man! Thank you, it works for me too 😊

(It just lacks the last } , it's just a copy-paste issue I believe! For the others that might be impacted)




Does anyone know the code from removing one of the forms from the front page instead pleaase? We still need to rest to show.  It's just that we are giving a direct link to one of the forms and don't want others using it.


Katrina CAIN  - you can use this code. Replace 12345 with your form id that you want to hide. This will go at the bottom of the Style.css:

.id-12345 { 


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Thank you Eric Norris  - works for me as well and I didn't know about the chrome update hence some fields are reflecting to the end users. 

Thanks a lot for this! 


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Zendesk Luminary

To. Eric Norris


The code you wrote seems to be a solution for "Hide Specific Dropdown Values".


Your code works really beautifully for the above issue. However, when I use :: in the options field of the ticket to give it a hierarchy, the hidden options don't hide the first level.

Do you know anything about this issue?







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Zendesk Luminary

to. Eric Norris

I found a way, even though I'm clumsy.
I changed the IF statement in your code like below. Then I was able to remove the ticket field name .

Thank you~!

if (node.nodeType === 1 && tagsToRemove.includes(node.getAttribute("id")) || node.innerHTML === "option value") {


Hannah Lucid Thanks Hannah I did try this and unfortunately it's still showing on the front page.


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