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Adding the same functionality as the trigger condition of subject to a custom field text
Posted Dec 14, 2020
Sadly there is no way to create a trigger that will search for specific wordings in a custom text ticket field just like you can do with the subject ticket filed.
You only have an option to choose if the text is "present" or not, instead of asking "does this ticket field contain this word".
Would be great to have the same functionality as the subject or comment ticket fields for custom text ticket fields in the triggers.
Peter Hochstrasser
It is indeed not very useful to only have conditions is present or is not present on custom fields.
And even that is not really clear, as the field is present but may be empty - which results, I think, in "is not present". A search facility would broaden the utility of custom fields tremenduously.
Sydney Neubauer
This is definitely a much needed feature. We use text fields that are prefilled by an external system. It is always the same so having a condition to trigger off that field would expand our options tremendously
Is this really the case? How do you suggest setting a trigger based on the value in a text field? Or is there a workaround using a different field type?
Amanda Oka
The closest thing I can think of is using a webhook to add a comment of that value to the ticket, then a trigger can fire from that comment text.
Loosely, the flow would be:
1. Trigger Condition > Custom_field: Present
1. Trigger Action > Apply webhook with private comment with custom field value
2. Trigger Condition > Comment text contains string of custom field value
2. Trigger Action > whatever business needs....
A bit convoluted but I think it does the trick. Godspeed.