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Change the order of the comments as an agent when viewing a ticket
Posted Aug 04, 2020
I could not find an existing post in the "Feedback on Support" topic about this so I'm creating one, as I would like this, too. I'm not a supervisor, but I often have a need to review a bunch of older tickets. In this cases, I would much prefer to be reading from the oldest to the newest. When I'm actively working a current open issue, I prefer to read the most recent first - so the way it works today works fine for that use case. But every time I need to review a customer's past tickets, or past tickets that touch on similar topics, it's very inconvenient to have to begin each one by scrolling to the bottom then scrolling up.
If I could easily switch the sort order, this would enable me to quickly and much more easily switch back and forth between the mode of "working on an active ticket" and "looking at older tickets".
It would be far better for me if the solution to this enabled me to switch the display order with a simple click at the top of a ticket, rather than a per-use setting that I'd have to go to my user preferences to change. The menu where one is able to switch between Conversation and Events would be a great place for this. e.g. change it from:
to something like:
Conversations (ascending)
Conversations (descending)