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Zendesk Search should look into attachments

Not Planned

Posted Feb 01, 2018

Use Case: invoices being sent to Zendesk often only contain the invoice # within the attached invoice, so when searching by invoice number it does not appear on the search results. 




We also would like this option!


We also have use cases where we receive loan tapes as PDF attachments from servicers in random batches and need to search information about an individual loan through a loan ID 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the feedback, Tim. We'll continue to collect votes and use-cases to gauge interest/need for this functionality.


Agree. Searching attachments would be a huge improvement. Also side conversations need to be included in searches.


As a new customer, this is a common feature of Microsoft Outlook.  Thus moving onto Zendesk this becomes functionality that is removed from our associates.  Our team uses this often searching for various PO's for content such as part numbers and other things that only in attachments.  This needs to be prioritized as a higher functionality to be added to Zendesk in the very near future


Hi there, I totally agree! We have also moved from Outlook to Zendesk and it is a pity that this basic function is now taken from my team members because it slows them down in their effectiveness. I would also like this to be changed asap.


We really could use this functionality too.

Our teams are communicating a lot with customers (tickets) and subcontractors (side conversations) and it's really complicated when we need to find information when they are in side conversations and attachments, especially when you have to download attachments every single time. Looking up for a specific data can take really long.

Please please please add this :)


Its been 2 years since this post, has there been any update to search within attachments? 


Yes, the possibility to include search within the attachment would be very helpful!


upvote to this! So sad that it doesn't currently work this way. It has hindered me greatly. 


Same here - my teams ask for it regularly! Please make it happen 😊



Any updates regarding this feature? Got some questions from my team as well. Lot of attachments are uploaded in our articles and contain relevant information. Would be nice to have search also crawl the information in attachments.


That would be such a huge timesaver! Would love to have this feature.


Hello, please let us know if this feature is in the roadmap.


So looking forward to have this feature in our system!


Everyone needs to upvote and encourage Zendesk product team to make this a priority.  

Zendesk Team - At minimum the product should match functionality within Microsoft Office which is what our company has been moving away from, so the last thing we want to do is *reduce* functionality.  I would think you would agree.

Enterprise searching is a key component of any/all organizations and email containing critical information with attachments containing an equal and often more important data.  Not having search working within attachments is a significant detriment and after 4 years of this request being open it is time to address this.


Searching in attachement would also help further productivity in ISS, as this feature could help some automation projects



Also my useres ask for this feature from time to time. Please implement it!


When our team told me that this feature wasn't available I was frankly very surprised. Document content search is an asbolute requirement as the only other way for our users to search on thousands of pages of documentation would be for us to cut and paste the entire document into the article.  Not very practical.


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Preethi Thutika

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the feedback, all. 

We understand the need for attachment searches and can empathize with the current limitations you may be facing due to the inability to search through attached documents. Significant work is being planned for 2022 and 2023 to extend the usefulness of existing support search capabilities and improve the user experience in the support search space. This feedback is extremely valuable and important to us.


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Preethi Thutika

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello All,

We will be hosting a Community Event to learn more from you about your experience with Support Search. Please reach out to us if you'd like to engage further and participate in these discussions. Here is a link where you can RSVP to the event -


Hello (Preethi Thutika), can you please provide an update from that session? What is the Zendesk direction or upcoming solution to resolve this?


We would find this option very helpful as well!!


@... has there been an update since the Support Search event?


Hi Preethi, it would be great if you could provide a specific commitment on timeframe.  '2023' could mean the feature is coming next month (as I type this on November 1st 2022) or 12 months.  We are a new user of zendesk and currently considering how we are going to deliver thousands of pages of product documentation for our various modules. 

In some cases, smaller 'how to' type articles are perfect to put up online directly but many clients still expect to be able to download detailed product guides, testing scripts and more that really aren't suited for an online article experience.  

However, if we can't get search inside documents we are going to have to consider putting all that documentation online.  This is probably a full time job for someone to both do initially and then manage longer term.  As such we need to know when this feature is coming.  If it's not for 12 months we need to hire someone today.  If it's coming next month, we don't need to hire that person right now so your response has real business implications for us.

We're just one business, but I hope you might be able to give us a little more insights into your delivery timeframe.  Thanks! 

Overall we're loving the zendesk experience by the way, our clients really appreciate our new method of engaging with them.


We have a use case of system-generated emails where there is content in the attachment which would be helpful for routing.  It would be great if the search for a word or phrase could look in the attachment in addition to the regular body / description as it does now.


@..., please let us know if this feature is in the road map for this year. 



+1 This would be extremely helpful for us too. 


There is a Marketplace App for that.
It extracts data from PDFs and Images and Stores the content within internal comments.
Internal comments are then found via the normal Zendesk search - maybe this would help you all.

There‘s a 14day trial for the app:



Hey all!
There is an option to search for tickets that contain an attachment, insert “ has_attachment:true” in the search.
Hope this works for PDFs 🙏🏼



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