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Change text for "My Activities" in HC
Posted Oct 24, 2013
I've seen this question posted quite a bit in the forums, so here is a little how-to on how to change the string for 'My Activities' in HC, as done on
Here's how to change the "My Activities" text
- In Guide, click the Customize design icon in the sidebar
- Click on Edit Theme to access your template's code
- Click the script.js file and add the following code:
//Change string for My Activities
$('.user-nav .my-activities').html(' See my requests');
As you see, this allows you to change the string to "See my requests"
Here's how to change the text in multiple languages
Follow the steps above but use this code:
if(currentLanguage === 'Français') {
$('.user-nav .my-activities').html(' Voir mes demandes');
This automatically updates the user drop-down menu and the subnav breadcrumbs as well!
Here's what it looks like!