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Number of Replies an Agent has sent per Day (IN EXPLORE)
Posted Apr 26, 2019
Hi guys,
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to find out how many replies each of my agents does per day. I can find # of solved tickets per day just fine but I need to see how many tickets each of them has touched to judge efficiency.
I've asked Zendesk support directly and they tried to help but said they could not give me a recipe to do this - does anyone have a recipe that will show me how many tickets my agents touch PER DAY in explore? I can only find this for Insights.
Nathalie Rey Valdivieso
Hi Matt,
As you want to report on ticket updates, you would want to use the Support: Ticket Updates dataset. I would advise creating a new dataset to ensure that you have the latest schema and you correctly see all the metrics and attributes.
In your new query, you would want to use the metric "Public Comments" and apply a filter for Updater Role is Admin and Agent. This will ensure that you only see the number of public comments agents or admins added to tickets. You can then apply a filter for dates or ticket IDs to your report if you want to see the replies they added per day or further breaking it down per ticket.
I hope the information helps!
Mike Jenkins
I would love to get this figured out but am not finding a true representation of what is happening daily. The numbers, no matter what I try do not actually show the correct days.
For example, on 10/28/19 I did not comment on a single ticket, yet it still shows as 8 for the day. So how do I break it down so I see the number according to the specific day a comment happened, not when a ticket is solved through automations or triggers.
I just want to know how many tickets my agents are responding to daily so we can adjust as needed. Any help would be appreciated.
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
I hope I can help you here.
Change your row date to 'Update-Date' and you should be sorted:
Mike Jenkins
That may have done the trick. I will monitor and test it to make sure. Thank you so much, glad to finally get this resolved.
Elise Alley
I'm trying to do something similar but not exactly the same.
I'm wanting to create a report showing the average number of touches per ticket per agent for the current month. This was a metric in Insights but apparently not in Explore... Any help setting this up would be appreciated.
Devan La Spisa
Hello @...,
So I would recommend either using "Agent Updates" for any type of change the agent makes to the ticket like tags or status change or "Agent Comments" for any kind of response written the agent makes public-facing or internal. I've also shared an article that goes into further detail on recipes using agent interactions below.
Explore recipe: Agent interactions on tickets
Best regards.
Unfortunately, Graeme's suggestion doesn't do the trick.
I'm running into the exact same issue of not being able to report on true agent productivity because ZD automations e.g., moving a ticket from solved --> closed, are counting as 'public agent replies'. I also noticed that even internal comments would count as 'public replies' if you do a deep dive and look at every single ticket ID from your look. Reporting on agent productivity shouldn't be faulty IMO since that's the core of agent performance evaluation.
If I find a solution to this problem I will follow up on this thread.
Devan La Spisa
Hello @...,
This seems to be some unexpected behavior taking place, so I've opened up a ticket on your behalf. You should receive an email followed by a response from our development team soon. Let us know if there is any other way we can help.
Best regards.
Claudia Ruffini
I want to do the same thing as the original poster, but I want to split by "Inbound" tickets and "Outbound" tickets. I.e. tickets created by the end user are inbound tickets and tickets created by an agent (incl. admins) are outbound tickets. I am confused whether I need to add submitter role or requester role into the columns of the query in order to do this. Am I right in thinking that it would be the requester role?
Marty Chang
Hi @... you'll want to use submitter role for your query. The Support API docs explains the difference as follows.
The submitter is the user who created a ticket. By default, the requester of a ticket is the submitter. For example, if your customer emails your support address, this creates a ticket with the customer as both the requester and submitter. The requester will also appear as the author of the ticket's first comment.
However, a support agent can also create a ticket on behalf of a customer. If an agent creates a ticket through the web interface, the agent is set as the submitter.
Full text screenshot below.
Hey, I experience exactly the same issue as this post and replies and your solution isn't helping me sorry.
There is no Agent Update Metric in the list:
How hard can it be?
We simply need to measure the number of Touches on Explore mode - The number of Solved tickets isn't relevant, unfortunately.
Only the number of Touches can truly tell how many tickets a given agent has been on, on a day.
Please help ASAP
Devan La Spisa
Hello Edwin,
I believe the issues you are running into is because you need to be in the Ticket Update data set vs. the Ticket data set. After making this change, you should be good to go but let me know if you run into any more issues.
Best regards.
@... you've tagged the wrong Edwin! :)
Brett Bowser
Sorry about that Edwin C!
@... looks like Devan replied to your post above :)
Devan La Spisa
Sorry Edwin!
Happy Friday and thanks for letting me know. :D
Randy Nieukirk
I set mine up a little differently...can someone let me know if I am getting all Agent comments (public and private) per quarter using the following modifications:
D_Count Agent Comments

Ticket Updated (Quarterly)
with the current year selected
Updater Name
I then choose a Table for Visualization
Madison Hoffman
Hi Randy! Your query looks like it's perfectly measuring Agent Comments per quarter to me!