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How can I add new link to my nav bar in the header when customizing the help center?


Posted Mar 30, 2016

Hello I want to put an extra link in my navigation bar (nav.user-nav) I have attached an image - this link we want to call "Quick User Guide" and have a link to this. I have looked in the forums but have found nothing specific. I can make the extra link/name by copying and pasting one of the others in the Header file etc but can't seem to add the url etc... Do I need to access another html file etc?

Sorry if this is doubling up but I couldn't find what I was looking for so thought a post may help me.

Many thanks Lisa




Hi Lisa,

Adding the following Script tag in the Header section in the Theme Editor will do.

The custom link will be shown to anonymous and logged in users as well.

See live at:
Log in as / 123456

$('nav.user-nav>a:last').css('border-left','1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07) solid')
$('nav.user-nav').append('<a class="custom_navbar_link__c" href="">Google</a>');





Is there an updated version of this code for the new Theme style? When using this on my Help Center it keeps placing the link to the right and the border seperator to the left of "Submit a Request"

Thank you,


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Matt! Welcome to the Community!

Can you post a screenshot of the code exactly as you entered it? That'll help us figure out what might be going wrong here.


HI Jessie,


Here is the screen shot:


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Thanks Matt! I'll see if one of our Community Moderators can take a look at it with you!


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Matt - lets get rid of all the JS as we don't really need it for this.  Inside of your header.js add the following below the <nav class="user-nav"

<a href="">Google</a>

That should add it in there and make it aligned with all the other links.


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