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How do I remove the full thread from each response?
Posted Jul 06, 2015
Is it possible to prevent an entire ticket thread from appearing in every single email response? I saw this as a client (when submitting tickets to my vendor) and now as an agent with our new account.
This has become increasing annoying and bothersome in Google's gmail because when someone replies, even with a short response, the entire thread - the full history of the ticket - still displays in Gmail. Thus, I must scroll down through a lot of text to get to the next reply.
Because Gmail automatically condenses previous threads of an email using the ellipses, typically I can see the thread by viewing just the responses. In ZenDesk, however, every response has the whole thread, so I can't actually see individual responses stacked on one another.
Normal gmail thread, showing ONLY the response. Prior conversations are condensed and not shown.
All emails I receive via ZenDesk show the entire thread on every single response, making it very difficult to read through.
McCabe Tonna
HI Laura,
In your triggers, swap the placeholders that state {{ticket.public_comments_formatted}} to {{ticket.latest_public_comment_formatted}}
I believe that will solve your issue.
Also, I highly recommend testing this before fully rolling this out to your customers.
Hope this helps.
Tamara Tankosić
I am checking to see if this is the only fix to this issue? As it doesn't seem like anyone was sure this would work.
I agree that the thread gets too long and too confusing to read on Zendesk. I wanted to simplify this for our clients but unsure as to how?
Brett Bowser
Hey Tamara,
If you use the ticket.latest_public_comment_formatted that should show the most recent response in the ticket. You can check out our placeholder reference for more information on what each placeholder does.
Hope this helps!
Christian Wisseh
I tried the solution above and it creates a new problem. People receive individual emails for each response. Ideally, it would work like email and the individual responses would stack and form a thread in the email client as well.
Brett Bowser
Hey Christian,
It looks like this is expected behavior and I'm not able to track down an alternative solution for you at this time. It may be possible to format this to look similar to regular emails with some liquid markup, but that's not something we're able to assist with on our end.
I'll leave this post active in case other users can provide some additional guidance for you.
Daniël Nieuwendijk
@... should understand your comment that if you follow the advice given to use ticket.latest_public_comment_formatted, Google doesn't group the separate e-mail messages as one conversation anymore?
AJ Hong
Same question as Daniel
Brett's response works very well for me. All to/from responses are threaded in Gmail.
One idea I have is that Christian may have another rule which changes the subject with every response. That will definitely create a new thread in Gmail.
Daniël Nieuwendijk
Yes. We went ahead with it after testing, and I can confirm that Brett's answer leads to the expected result.
Hi guys, I'd like to upvote this suggestion.
The workaround mentioned would only create more confusion as it will remove context, without the workaround people would add things up together & figure out what happened when they see all the comments. But it is not the best experience.
What I believe is happening is that when someone is using Outlook/Gmail or an external tool to reply using email instead of the Web form, Zendesk doesn't always recognize where that last comment ended and just adds the thread with it's previous replies into the comment.
Antony Ramon
Hi everyone,
I've reached out to Zendesk support about a similar issue, and I was redirected here.
Ahmad, when you say in your previous comment right above that "Zendesk doesn't always recognize where that last comment ended and just adds the thread with it's previous replies into the comment.", I actually think Zendesk never recognizes it. Am I the only one feeling that way? I never saw a ticket being reopened without it displaying the Support officer's previous answer.
My issue is:
I am really surprised this is not possible today.
Any ideas?