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How do I ban a community user/poster?


Posted Jul 27, 2016

Is there a way to ban a person from posting in the community. We have some accounts that are just spamming our boards and would like to "block" them





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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator


if you suspend the user account, that should prevent them posting to your Help Centre. 


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

You can also click the little gear above post title and mark the post as Spam. It'll then give you the option to suspend the user and remove all the content by that user. If you click that it'll do exactly what it says, so if somebody has posted multiple spammy messages, you don't have to remove them one at a time.


Ok thanks! I found hot to suspend the account, but not seeing a "gear" to mark as Spam?

Under topic:

Post itself:


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Jen,

Try clicking the arrow beside "post actions."

Here's the article with more info:

Hope that helps!


Is it possible to suspend a user from the community but not from the help center? I haven't been able to find that answer on any post yet. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Whitney - 

It is not. Suspending a user suspends that email completely from your Zendesk instance - posting in the Community, Knowledge Base, and submitting tickets. 



Thank you!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

You're welcome. 


Hi Nicole! As a Community Manager myself, I'm increasingly in need of the ability to ban users from the Community, but retain their access to other parts of Zendesk (i.e. submitting a ticket) - do you have an update on whether we are able to ban users from the Community without removing access to the Help Center?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Gillian - 

There haven't been any updates to the Communities platform this year, so this functionality is still not available. 

However, the product teams have reopened development on it, and some updates will be forthcoming in 2019. They're currently in the process of determining which features and functions are most needed and should be prioritized for development, so I encourage you to share your detailed use-case and vote on any community-related updates you'd like to see. 



When I ban a user, do their posts/comments still remain in the moderation queue?  We want to keep a record of activity but not allow the user to post anymore.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Carrie, 

When you suspend a user, it permanently deletes all of their posts and comments. 


Thanks Nicole!

So just to clarify, when all of these posts and comments are deleted, they will also be removed from the moderation and spam queues?  Do you have any recommendations for how to save a user's posts/comments before you ban them?   


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Carrie, 

Yes, it would remove them from the moderation queue as well. Your best best is to export them via the API before suspending the user. You would want to export using the posts and comments endpoints. Here's a link to the Help Center API documentation:



I haven't seen any recent activity on this post. But I am wondering is it now possible to ban a user from the community, but allow them access to other features of Zendesk (i.e. Ticketing)?


Hi Jonathan, and welcome to the community! Unfortunately, that's not possible - suspended a user will also prevent them from submitting tickets.


Okay, thank you for the update. 



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