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Remind agents to call the customer before posting the 5th reply

Posted Jan 11, 2017


We are a T-Shirt factory in Brazil and we realized that when tickets get more than 4 replies from the same agent, it usually ends on a bad user experience.

The customer relation manager asked the IT to add a "popup" before sending the 5th reply on the same ticket. This popup should ask if the agent had already called the customer. If the answer is "no" the ticket reply should not be saved.

We've created an app to achieve this.

Here you can find the app.js file

To create an APP you can follow this tutorial:

A problem we had was to find the count of replies the current user had sent on the current ticket. The way we solve it was to count the number of times the link to the current user profile appeared on the page. (Since each reply have a link to the profile :D)

Another requirement was to show the phone number of the customer. In our zendesk the phone number is a ticket field. So that's what we did:
var phone = ticket.customField("custom_field_22641183");

You can see the final output below. 

This helped, and the number of tickets with 5+ replies dropped a lot. Our satisfaction rating also improved from an average of 91% in 2015 to 96% in 2016.

This was not the only action we took in 2016 but it definitely helped.


Any thoughts? I appreciate all the feedback!




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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Nice. Thanks for sharing your tip, Igor!


Hey Igor, Zendesk Team,

Could you correct the below link as its broken :-

>>>To create an APP you can follow this tutorial:


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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hell @...,

The link you hsared leads to our developer community, you may need to sign in to that separate community to access the article shared in this link. Let us know if you are still running into issues on your end. 

Best regards. 


Thank you for your response but I am still running into issues :(


Hey Supervisão - Atendimento looks like your link is no longer working (it tries to redirect to a legacy site). Would you be able to share the guide again? It looks like an awesome resource, so would be a shame to lose it.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager


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