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Send notifications to Slack
Posted Jan 11, 2017
Setting up the notification target
- Create a Slack incoming webhook using the channel you want to send the notifications to
- From Zendesk, navigate to Settings > Extensions > Targets > add target
- Click on HTTP Target
- Setup the target to integrate with the previously created incoming webhook
- Title: A descriptive title
- URL: use previously created incoming webhook’s URL
- Method: POST
- Content Type: JSON
- Basic Authentication: not necessary

Example application: setting up notifications within triggers
- Under the Perform these actions: section, select Notifications: Notify target

- Select the target previously created
- In the Message: text box, add the notification message in the request form formatted as JSON.
"fallback":"New problem ticket created:bangbang:",
"pretext":"New problem ticket created:bangbang:",
"title":"Subject: {{ticket.title}}",
} - Test it! It should look similar to this
Unfortunately, this is not a feature of our integration. Appreciate for sharing your use case!
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk
Andy Prisacaru
Hi all,
Noticing that triggers do work well with the Slack<>Zendesk integration. With that said, I notice I cannot use the Zendesk integration with "Automations" - hence I cannot notify a slack channel with time-based type of alerts (x hours since the last udpate) etc.
Is there a way to solve it via the Slack/ Zendesk integration, or do I need to set up bots in Slack etc?
Mike DR
Andy Prisacaru
as I live and breathe! it magically appeared on my Automation actions! thanks Mike DR!
Mike DR
You're most welcome and Happy Holidays!