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ZenDesk Explore Backlog By Month Reported


Posted Oct 27, 2021

Hi All,


Very new to ZenDesk here and am currently creating a number of reports and dashboards but one of them has got me stumped. I am trying to create a backlog report showing the number of unresolved tickets by the month they were reported. Anyone got any suggestions?




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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Morris,

In Zendesk terminology the backlog consists of the sum of unsolved tickets at a particular date or date range. The backlog development gives you insight on when your teams are keeping up with the incoming tickets, and when they're swamped.

Are you looking for a count of how many tickets were not solved within the same month as they were created?


Hi Jacob the Moderator,

Thanks for getting back to me. What I am looking to achieve is a view of all open tickets grouped by the month they were opened; I feel it should be possible but I might be missing something when trying to execute.


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Dan Borrego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Morris, 
Backlog dataset allows you to report on Backlog in 2 different ways Backlog Recorded and End of period. 
Just so you can understand well the difference (It will be important to respond to your question) I have taken this from another article we have.
"If you use the date field of Backlog recorded, you are aggregating data. 
The Backlog end of period looks at backlog count at the end of the selected period of time.
For example, this is the backlog count over a week for a random account: 
10 backlog tickets on Monday, 11 on Tuesday, 10 on Wednesday, 11 on Thursday, 10 on Friday, 9 on Saturday, and 9 on Sunday.
If you use Time - Backlog recorded, the result is 70. But if you use Backlog end of period, the result is 9."
I am saying it to confirm you can see the backlogs for the month in 2 ways, but none of them will allow you to report on the ticket created date. 
In both attributes, it will return the backlog tickets, not taking in consideration when these tickets were created. You can see how many tickets were not solved yet at the end of the month or a sum of the result at the end of each day, but cannot filter or classify it by the date of the ticket creation, because this is not an attribute in Backlog history dataset.
Hope it helps to clarify, and feel always free to post your questions here.


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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Morris,

Using the Tickets dataset, you should be able to create a report on tickets currently in the new, open, or pending state (unsolved), and group by the month they were created.

But that will only show you a here and now snapshot, tomorrow, you may look at the same report and see something quite different. Is this what you have in mind?


Can I have a report for solved tickets? this graph shows the results for unsolved ticket only right?


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Francis Casino

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Priya,
You can refer to this article on how you can create a report for Created and Solved ticket. 


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