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Your Assigned Tickets (or improved Guided mode views)
Posted Nov 08, 2021
TL;DR, as an admin I'd love to have the ability to disable and/or edit the 'Your assigned tickets' view.
A default system view named Your assigned tickets is added to the agent Views interface whenever we enable the corresponding permissions under Guided mode.
This view shows all Open, Pending and On-Hold tickets assigned to the current agent, sorted by last update (desc.):
Because teams across support operations may work differently, this view can quickly go from a helpful resource to a constant nuisance... And this is because administrators can neither edit, nor disable it.
From personal experience, and no matter how much we keep reminding our agents under Guided mode to avoid this view, they usually end up attending the view by mistake (when they should be focusing on those Views specifically created for them). Team leaders also report apparent 'errors' that - after troubleshooting - are related to this view... And the fact that something that looks so simple can't be edited by admins is frustrating, because all we can reply is "that's just how it is" or "please ignore it".
Although I do believe it was in Zendesk's best intentions to have this view separated and available for everyone setting up Guided mode when the feature was launched, it would be great to have administrative control over it.
Potential solution(s)
Because the ideal solution for this inconvenience will probably differ from one Zendesk customer to another, I'll try to submit to Zendesk Product team's consideration a few suggestions that could appease the majority.
Possible solutions (please read as and/or) follow.
(1) Allow admins to show/hide it. A simple checkbox in Ticket settings, for example, that would allow us to disable it.
(2) Allow admins to edit it. This way each Zendesk customer can decide what to show here; sort it according to time until SLA breach, exclude internal tickets, only include Open and On-Hold, etc.
But what if an agent belongs to multiple groups and we don't want to have tickets from all their groups under the same view?
(3) Extra: 'unguided' views per group. I personally like the idea of having views separated in the UI (as if to say 'here are the core views an agent should always be paying attention to').
So if we look at the 'Your assigned tickets' UI as an improvement opportunity, this separation of 'unguided' and 'playlist' views could be used to our advantage.
For example, suppose we could set up a maximum of three unguided views per group:
These unguided views would allow 'cherry-picking', of course, so it would be up to each Zendesk customer how to set them up.
However, this would allow for a B2B group to have a couple of unguided views, for example, while the B2C 'support level 1' group would have none.
That's it; hope this all makes sense!
Please feel free to upvote and/or share your own use cases and/or additional suggestions for this feature in the comments below.
Salvador Vazquez
Hey Pedro, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.
With the improvements to the agent home dashboard we can consider how some of this will play out as well but for now it is not something we are adding into Views
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
Totally agree. I feel Guided Mode is not ready for prime time because of how restricting it is.
Bryan Pascual
I couldn't agree more with your suggestions.
I was just looking for a way to achieve most of the things that Allen was talking about. It would be great to enable only specific views in Guided Mode. Maybe we could specify either multiple roles per person or change Guided mode to apply to a group rather than a role? I can see this as a fix to still allow agents a "Your unsolved tickets" view that would include On-Hold items while being unguided.
Agent Group = Tier1 & Tier 2
View1 -> Guided Tier 1 & Tier 2
View 2 - > Unguided Tier 2
That agent would see View 1 and View 2, but View 2 would be unguided as opposed to View 1, which is open to everyone in a guided view.
Just a thought.
Jake Bowen
Plus one. We build our guided mode views to be "one view to rule them all" as much as we can. It's confusing to reps when we'd like them to work out of the one queue that's tailored for them.
Tobias Hermanns