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The new UI - Ticket Tabs
Posted Jan 14, 2022
Hello there,
I know people don't like change but I strongly believe this new UI has some rather major/silly design issues. It's kinda made working a little harder now. This is not good.
Let's start with something easy
Ticket tabs display requester and ticket ID. If i have more than 1 ticket open from the same user I have no idea what is what as lets face it Ticket ID's don't mean anything to people. Put the subject back in there please and have the requester below instead of ticket ID. But we really need a subject.
Let's solve that then we can worry about the rest!
Ross Malyon
Any updates?
Katie Gielen
My entire company agrees!
Ross Malyon
anyone at zendesk care?
i know my account manager has not said a word in the 7 emails i sent them
Jeanne Johnson
I want the option to turn off the Zendesk "tabs" altogether and the ability to use the keyboard-mouse shortcut that would open a ticket in a REAL browser tab restored.