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Custom User Fields visibility

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Simon Blouner (midlertidig)

Community Moderator

Posted Jan 25, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

It should be possible to choose which role a custom user field should be applied to, either Staff member or Enduser, or even both

Description/Use Cases: 

In the current setup custom user fields are shown, there's no difference to whether the field is intended for end-user storage of information or staff member.

This means, that if an organization requires a lot of different information stored on the staff member, those fields are left empty on the end-user profile, causing distraction.

Likewise, if there are a lot of end-user-related fields, those fields are causing distraction when inspecting user profiles for staff members.

This could be solved by simply having a dropdown when creating/editing the fields, choosing which user types should draw benefit from the field - or maybe something similar to when creating Ticket fields and Ticket forms.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

The impact is that user fields are quickly getting irrelevant, as user fields for both user types are shown at the same time, making the agent forced to sort in information, and thereby time is spent doing this. The more fields shown at the same time, the more time and confusion is spent looking for the relevant info.






We're a healthcare company so I'd like our Providers to have one set of user fields to identify things like "Are you a Therapist or Psychiatrist?" This User field might be called "Provider Type".
For our Patients, I might want a user-field called "Current Provider". But I wouldn't want a Provider User to have a "Current Provider" field and I wouldn't want a Patient to have a "Provider Type" field.

I'd also like to track the training wave cohort of my Agent users with an "Agent wave" user field. And their BPO vendor with a "Vendor" field. 
How do I add these important user fields without having a giant list of User Fields where many fields are inappropriate for the given User I'm looking at (i.e. Agent Wave showing up on a Provider user)?
Are User Profiles the product I'm looking for? I've done some reading on Profiles in the KB but it's still ambiguous to me what exactly Profiles are and how they're displayed in the Workspace. 
I'm a bit stunned this wasn't a v1 feature when Zendesk was first launched. Every Support org must have this same problem.


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Brett Elliott

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Simon Blouner (midlertidig) and @...,


I'm Brett, the Product Manager at Zendesk working on solving the problem you're both describing here. I'd love to connect and discuss your needs further. If either or both of you are interested in hearing about this in more detail please reply here and I'll reach out via email.


Brett Elliott I'm interested in discussing so feel free to reach out


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