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Answer Bot / Messaging - Be able to serve segmented articles
Posted Jan 25, 2022
Current functionality requires served articles to be open to everyone - Answer Bot / Messaging will not serve up articles that are set to the visibility of "signed-in" users or user segments. Also if the Help Center itself is set to require a sign-in, no articles from the resource will be served.
Currently, on our product Help Centers, we have several key articles behind a signed-in status as well as any articles to help support our Beta Partners are also behind a user segment. By preventing these articles to be served to users they are applicable to makes this tool not as effective as it could be.
We also have an Internal Knowledge Base where our staff can find documented expected functionality, processes, expectations, etc. We were looking at using Answer Bot / Messaging to provide a more interactive way to sever up articles for when someone doesn't know where to start, but with current functionality, this is impossible and makes the tool completely useless when it comes to self-service first. Having this was anticipated to save several hundred employee hours but is not remotely possible without this functionality. Turning on Answer Bot with just the article recommendations is comparative to just searching the IKB and does not yield the benefit we were hoping to see.
In the future, we were looking at ways to have articles for different types of permission levels in our client base. For instance, if you are a Publisher in the system, you only see articles that a publisher access level can do. We will not be able to do this and use Answer Bot / Messaging as this would require segmentation of articles in order to accomplish - thus not making them "open" anymore.
I was looking forward to this tool a lot as it is the next step to a self-service first focus, but with this limitation of functionality, we will not be able to utilize this tool at all and are being forced to evaluate other chat services that may integrate.
As far as impact goes, we were looking at this type of functionality possibly saving around $1 million in employee time in addition to being able to use this tool to help onboarding, company communication, and other areas.
Shiyu Zhu
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the feedback. A few months ago, we extended the articles step to support restricted help centre articles. This article describes the different behaviours of end-users based on their auth status.
As for specific customer segments, you can use the Make API step to determine the end-users segment. Using the branching step, you can build conditional logic to personalize the articles displayed. I hope this helps and please let me know if you have follow up questions. Thanks
Katherine Isaac
Yeah.... Our Help Centre is for logged in users. If the bot would allow for Help Centre articles to show, a user would be forced to login with the click an article link, right? We're only using Zendesk chat in our app, so our users would be authenticated anyway.
Michael Flyvbjerg Schau
Same issue for us. I fully support this suggestion.
I agree. Plus, it's important to note that Messaging doesn't even use Answer Bot. It uses the entire Help Center even if you don't want it to. (We want it to only use the articles with out Answer Bot label and Zendesk said I should request that in the Community posts).
Doyle Clawson
We're in a similar situation where we want to suggest articles for both launched and beta features to internal users but only launched items to external users. Not being able to segment the suggestions by user group is highly inefficient and renders the tool mostly useless unless we decide to publicly publish our whole KB.