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How do I provide feedback for the Malware Scanning?
Zendesk Product Manager
Posted Mar 08, 2022
Feedback during the Malware Scanning Release is very important for us!
Use this community forum
We'd like to keep feedback as social and collaborative as possible, so we invite you to follow this community forum too.
If we see that there is a topic of general interest, then we'll post about it here and invite everyone to provide their feedback. Likewise, you're welcome to ask questions or provide feedback at any time through this user community.
Suggested guidelines for giving feedback
Feedback to consider:
Try to be as clear as possible in your feedback; explain why you like/dislike something, and how it could be improved. If you can do screenshots easily, we'd love to see them
- Be patient when waiting for responses from Zendesk
- Don't use sarcasm, be rude to other customers or staff, and don't use strong language. We will moderate forum posts where we think reasonable
- What differences, if any, have you adopted in your practices around malware now that we have launched Malware Scanning?
- How are you currently protecting your users from malicious attacks?
- What would you like to see developed for the future? Why?
- Has anything surprised you about the functionality?
- What would you change about the way Malware scanning works today?
- What is your main use case for malware scanning? How do you envision others using malware scanning?
- Custom roles or general Admin permissions?
Kev Xlr
Hi Chika,
We would really like to see this malware scanning feature integrated into the API so we can monitor and alert on malicious attachments.
While it's important to notify ticket agents, our security team really needs to have visibility into these events so they can investigate and take further action as needed.
Tyrell Trainor
Hi Chika,
I second Kev's message above. If there any logging/reporting where we can view scan results?
-Tyrell Trainor
Chika Chima
HI Kev Xlr,
Thanks for your feedback. I understand your concern and I have documented this use case for the future planning. Thanks!
Chika Chima
Hi Tyrell Trainor
Unfortunately, there is no reporting on these scan results, but have been looking into how we can incorporate trigger automations to the attachments that have been deemed as malicious in tickets. Nevertheless, I have documented your question.
Also could you provide me what would be your ideal logging/reporting workflow for this?
Tyrell Trainor
Thanks Chika,
Actually this might be the answer I was looking for,