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When agent is online customer skip the name or email on chat bot not creating ticket automatically ?

Posted Mar 30, 2022

we are suing zendesk support chat and talk .

When agent is online and offline we are enabled preChatFormFieldConfiguration and isAgentAvailabilityEnabled  

referred Link: 

preChatFormFieldConfiguration form filed name given required and other hidden 

ISSUE 1: At time customer enter on chat screen started answer bot asked question answer after getting "thank you " Or skip button click  nothing happen customer waiting for long time .its should not connecting agent at time after entering some text only connecting agent 

Screen 1

Screen 2 :                                                                                              

 When customer again enter some text only creating ticket and receiving agent chat pop . its not work automatically with out enter any text customer .

Some user not continue chat after thank you message or after skip.

someone can give the solution .how can i achieve it 

    func buildUI() throws -> UIViewController {

        // Support Chat initial

      //  self.resetData()


        //let UserName = "\(UserDefaults.standard.userName ?? "")".capitalized

        //let UserEmail = "\(UserDefaults.standard.userEmail ?? "")"

        let chatAPIConfiguration = ChatAPIConfiguration()


     // chatAPIConfiguration.department = "IOS_iSabel"


         //chatAPIConfiguration.visitorInfo = VisitorInfo(name: "", email: UserEmail, phoneNumber: "")

        Chat.instance?.configuration = chatAPIConfiguration


        let chatConfiguration = ChatConfiguration()

        chatConfiguration.isAgentAvailabilityEnabled = true

        let formConfiguration = ChatFormConfiguration(name: .required, email: .hidden, phoneNumber: .hidden, department: .hidden)

    chatConfiguration.isPreChatFormEnabled = true

      chatConfiguration.preChatFormConfiguration = formConfiguration

        let messagingConfiguration = MessagingConfiguration()

// = "Chat Bot"

//        messagingConfiguration.isMultilineResponseOptionsEnabled = true



        //let answerBotEngine = try AnswerBotEngine.engine()

//        let supportEngine = try SupportEngine.engine()

        let chatEngine = try ChatEngine.engine()

//        chatEngine.configuration.isPreChatFormEnabled = true

//       return try Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines:[answerBotEngine, supportEngine, chatEngine], configs: [messagingConfiguration])

       return try Messaging.instance.buildUI(engines:[chatEngine], configs: [messagingConfiguration, chatConfiguration])






@Will Poon - May you please have someone assigned to this ticket


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Mohan,

This sounds like a known issue that we have for when customers aren't using chat departments. Are you using chat departments?



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