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New Team Members Page - Number of Licenses Available


Posted Apr 19, 2022

Can the number of seats being used vs the number of seats available be displayed at the top of the agent list on the new Team Members page? This has become the easiest way to figure out how many seats are available and I'm afraid if this goes away it will take too long to find the information. 





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Tess French

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Stuart, 
Thank you for your feedback. We agree that seeing a seat count is a crucial piece of information. We're incrementally adding features to our team list page preview until it's fully featured enough to replace the older version of the page. Showing seats remaining is one of those features that must be included. So, while it's not there yet, we're working on getting there.

Hopefully, this allays your concerns.
- Tess


I agree, that is the first thing I noticed was missing from the new team members page. 


Same, within 3 seconds, I was turned off by this lack of clarity.  I was actually hoping the new page would give more of a breakdown to make it more visible how Licenses are consumed.

For example, it would be good to be able to tell how many licenses are used by each type of agent (Administrator, Staff, custom roles, Light Agents, etc)


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Tess French

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey there, 
The Team Members page has now been released! It includes a seats remaining panel that will hopefully make understanding seat use a bit clearer. We are continuing to explore ways to make understanding seat use better; in addition to the panel, we're looking into filters that cater specifically to seat use and other ways we can surface license information.

Thank you again for your feedback,
- Tess French


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