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Agent Workspace - Modular design and more control over product


Posted Apr 22, 2022

It'd be good if we had the ability to edit Agent Workspace/make it more customisable. 

I.e the ability to unlock/lock certain areas of the workspace so that it's either static on the page or follows you wherever you scroll or an ability to pick and choose from past iterations of ZD Agent Workspace (Such as scrolling changing or public/private notes being the same). 

A bit like Slack, you could generate a specific URL for your "ZD theme" - So if there were ever queries, you can look at the specifics of that user's layout by loading in their theme.

I find that especially in our line of work, where there are lots of different teams with different needs - though some changes are great, others are definitely a hinderance. We found with our tech team that code being copied and pasted from third party applications since the new update to Agent Workspace was being fed differently into notes and in turn harder to interpret/finish work. 

A fix for the above? The ability to "revert" to a previous version of notes for that specific team or user via a modular Agent Workspace functionality.

Same applies for other issues. Please let me know if this could ever be achieved.




1 comment


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Paul Von

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Lloyd, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.

To your broader feedback on a customizable Agent Workspace, we now offer a degree of UI flexibility and customization via custom layouts through layout builder. This feature allows eligible customers to configure the ticket page to better suit specific workflows and set up different variations of the page to account for different teams. You can learn more about how this configuration can be set up through this Help Center article:

As for your suggestions about URL for theming and notes reversion, I have added those to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will evaluate and consider development of these requested capabilities in our future planning cycles. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.


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