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Feature Request: Expand Datasets to Include Content and User Subscriptions
Posted May 18, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
The Community dataset in Explore should be expanded to include Topic Subscriptions, Post Subscriptions, User Followings, User Followers, and User Badges.
The Guide dataset in Explore should be expanded to include Section Subscriptions, and Article Subscriptions.
Description/Use Cases:
Our Customer Success team (light agents) use the Topic Subscription, User Followings/Followers metrics, and Section/Article Subscription in addition to the ones already available, to engage with our active Community and Help Center members. Among the others, the metrics I mentioned above are used for badge assignment to encourage Community engagement. It would be great to see what existing badges the user already has. Currently, those metrics appear on a user's profile, but just as counts with no detail of what subscriptions they are or which users are involved (excluding badge assignments). Not to mention, it would be beneficial to evaluate which topics are subscribed to most and not just posts.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Currently we have to manually try to pull this information from the API, which our light agents cannot access. They are unable to gather this information on their own, and so we can only contact new users and perform badge assignment when the API is checked rather than Customer Success being able to see and use the Explore dashboard to gather this information daily.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing your feedback, Brianne! The product team did let us know that this was just v.1 of the community dataset, and they do plan to do additional iterations in the future.
We'll keep this post open so other users can up vote and add their ideas and feedback as well.
Brianne Reinhardt
@... That's great! I know they just released this dataset, but do you know when they plan on releasing the next version and what improvements are planned?
Nicole Saunders
I don't believe they've decided on future improvements, and they have not shared an eta on additional versions or updates. I suspect they will collect feedback on this first release for a few months before moving forward with further iterations.
Brianne Reinhardt
Thanks Nicole!
Orsolya Forster
Thank you Brianne Reinhardt for your feedback.
The need for topic subscriptions is clear to us and I'm capturing your comment for future improvements. As the community dashboard has just been released, our plan is to gather feedback first and assess improvement opportunities which we will add to the roadmap later.
Brianne Reinhardt
Hi Orsolya Forster! Any update here now that the community dataset is over a year old.
Brianne Reinhardt
Looking for an update here. Listing the users subscribed to sections, articles, topics, and posts should be a standard part of the explore dataset.