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Export all end users phone numbers

Posted May 25, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

Exporting all end users phone numbers including primary and secondary numbers to a .cvs format. (Also including org. info)

Description/Use Cases: 

I'm looking for a way to export all end users phone numbers including primary and secondary numbers. There is a few apps on the marketplace that can export end users primary numbers, but not secondary.

This is something we would really like to do. As i understand the only way to archieve this is to use API development, but unfortunatly, i'm not capable to do that.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

This is something that has huge impact to our business - We have several queues in a call software so if we got all end users phone numbers from Zendesk we could route our calls much more efficient to the respected departments.




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Josef Prandstetter

Zendesk Luminary

Jysk IT en del af Sagro I/S

Did you already have a look at the Advanced Search App by Zendesk?



Hello Josef.

Yes, already did, and this is only able to export the primary number.


Even showing a report on Explore of Users without a phone number seems hard


No news about this yet?


Hi, did you find a solution? Jysk IT en del af Sagro I/S




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